Beauty, Skincare, and Cosmetics Challenges

This study will be based on an analysis of four indicators, including place, promotion, product, and price. The first among my competitor brands is Queen Tarzi from the Netherlands. The fundamental difference of this company is that this cosmetics company creates completely vegan products. Given people’s desire for an ethical lifestyle, the products they make will undoubtedly be in demand. The prices of Swati products are quite affordable, but their range is limited. The firm manufactures mainly lenses and false eyelashes, and accompanying products. Due to the company’s location in the United States, Lily Lashes has a large market for its products. In addition, this brand has already gained popularity among star customers such as Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner. A company like Make Up by Polly uses a great promotion campaign. It manages to attract customers due to the fact that the founder of the brand is the face of the company. The pink design of the EXO cosmetics website evokes pleasant associations about femininity and beauty, but the site is buggy.

Field Research

The potential client segment that would be interested in my products are young, wealthy people interested in using quality cosmetics. Interviews with them showed me that despite the abundance of other brands, there is still interest in finding new manufacturers of cosmetic products. My customers are eager to experiment with looks, but they also value the brand’s ethics – they are indeed my ideal segment.

Research Conclusions

I learned that there are many different brands on the cosmetic products market now. However, not all of them manage to combine an affordable price, quality products, and convenient location for customers (Linchpin SEO, 2022). Some brands may have a philosophy built up, but the assortment is extremely small. Customers notice all these details and do not stop looking for other, more satisfying companies. As for my business, I think that creating my cosmetics and skincare line will not turn out to be something that consumers will be uninterested in. I will be able to take into account the mistakes of my competitors and make my business a success.


Linchpin SEO. Beauty, skincare, and cosmetics challenges and opportunities in 2022. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 14). Beauty, Skincare, and Cosmetics Challenges.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Beauty, Skincare, and Cosmetics Challenges." June 14, 2023.

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