Beethoven’s 9 Compositions: Online Concert Analysis

Classical music usually delights listeners as the world’s greatest composers put all their efforts to convey different moods on their musical masterpieces. People in the modern world still listen to classical music to gain inspiration for their further life activities. One of the greatest composers is Ludwig van Beethoven whose musical compositions are studied at schools and performed by orchestras. I had an opportunity to listen to Beethoven 9 concert played by orchestra using online sources. Professional musicians usually perform Beethoven’s music, and this fact made me more interested in works of this author.

The orchestra managed to present different moods of the compositor’s music, and their facial expressions show the devotion to this music and a huge interest in this profession. A huge variety of compositors is presented globally, but Beethoven catches the special attention of a significant number of those who are patinate about classical music. The first impression of the online concert was mixed as listers were not aware of the format of the performance.

However, when the orchestra starts to play, many negative thoughts disappear. The conductor is on the same wavelength as the musicians, and this allows them to represent incredible music written by Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven 9 compositions presented online do not have any sound problems, and every musician knows their roles exactly (Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 2015). During the moments when almost every musical instrument should take part in the composition, the emotions of participants of the orchestra express incredible feelings in the listener.

The concert awakened positive feelings and it left good memories for a long time. After listening to the concert related to Beethoven’s music, the desire to go to the live performance increases. The online version of the orchestra play does not have an opportunity to show the real atmosphere of the show. Consequently, to express real emotions and gain a great experience, such events with classical music should be attended in person.


Chicago Symphony Orchestra (2015). Beethoven 9 – Chicago Symphony Orchestra – Riccardo Muti [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Beethoven’s 9 Compositions: Online Concert Analysis." October 23, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Beethoven’s 9 Compositions: Online Concert Analysis." October 23, 2022.

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