Behavior: The Perception of Reality


The perception of the world and its phenomena differs from person to person, for this is how the whole nature of things is determined. Different experiences, worldviews, values, and perceptions influence how one’s perception of reality will be shaped. Differences in perception form human uniqueness, as it proves that the variability of perceptions is a direct consequence of the diversity of humanity. The perception of reality is shaped by factors that affect sensory systems and alter psychophysiological characteristics.


All factors affecting perceptual systems can be divided into external and internal. Internal factors are related to psycho-emotional development and cognitive abilities, which depend on the quality of integrative activity of the human brain (George et al., 2020). The number of neural connections and the ability to solve any tasks, in turn, depends on external factors, so the difference in perception largely depends on culture, upbringing, and emotional experience. Each person forms their own value system, laid down in the family and society, further creating a unique attitude toward reality (George et al., 2020). Emotional background depends on relationships with the people around them, so as a result, each person accumulates experiences. Depending on these experiences, a person looks at society from the height of their values and experiences so that all new events will reflect on them differently. Perception is a way of knowing reality, but every day it can be transformed because all new phenomena bring new experiences to life.

Differences in Reality

Perception can shape reality because one looks at the world through the prism of culture, emotions, and experiences that do not allow one to recognize reality differently. In the perception of a person surrounded by a lifetime of care, the reality of evil does not exist to the same extent as children who have experienced domestic violence do. The factors that have shaped one’s perception of the world also affect one’s understanding of reality. For everyone, it is unique and imperfect to the extent that experience has forced one to experience imperfect events. Differences, in reality, have to do with projecting one’s perception onto other people and spreading one’s thoughts and ideas about the structure of the world. Awareness of reality and its variability is connected precisely with how broadly one perceives the world and is aware of one’s role in it.

Reflection of Reality

One cannot be entirely sure that one’s perception equals reality, which is absolute truth. The incomprehensibility of fact is an essential characteristic of reality, although the pursuit of it is not condemned. It must be understood, however, that it is impossible to achieve a complete correspondence between perception and reality. Perception only influences how reality is transformed because human nature is designed to influence the world. Nevertheless, a distinction must be made between the reality one sees and the existing reality. The perfect reality is the sum of all the fragments humans perceive, but it is impossible to comprehend.


Thus, perception varies from person to person and thus influences behavior and habits and contributes to changing reality. The external environment is the primary catalyst for changes in perception, so attention should be paid to which factors change consciousness more than others. Without a proper analysis of one’s own experience, one cannot grasp reality and let it pass through the lens of one’s perception. Although it is impossible to understand true reality fully, different perceptions can transform it and create new elements.


George, S., Kelley, B., & Piferi, R. (2020). Introduction to psychology from a Christian worldview. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.

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