Behavioral Styles: A Self-Reflection

Behaviors are shaped by a vast array of factors, yet influencing them to improve one’s leadership skills is possible. A survey that allows identifying the strengths of one’s behaviors and the weaknesses thereof is a crucial tool in shaping ones’ leadership qualities and improving the quality of healthcare. According to the results of the survey, my leadership style can be characterized by the predominantly people-oriented approach, which is shaped significantly by my propensity toward being reserved (“S”). Due to the presence of the described characteristics, I can empower people in the healthcare setting as a leader by providing an example of emotional competence and self-directed learning, at the same time creating a friendly environment for resolving conflicts and enhancing cross-disciplinary collaboration.

There are several pieces of information that the survey mentioned above allows establishing rather clearly. For example, the fact that I tend to build my leadership strategy based on the emotional rapport established within a team can be considered confirmed. At the same time, despite the fact that the survey has provided me with a vast amount of information about my leadership approach and character traits, there are also several issues that I would like to know. For instance, the extent of my information management skills could use further clarifications. One might argue that the degree to which I am capable of managing data can be inferred from the outcomes of the survey based on the information about communication skills. However, it would be preferable to receive direct indications thereof instead of the necessity to make assumptions that may prove wrong upon the application of the selected leadership strategy.

Moreover, the results received after completing the survey can also be used to create an even more effective strategy after modifying the current leadership approach slightly. According to the outcomes of the analysis, the use of incentives and the creation of a comfortable environment for staff members is necessary for in order to exert positive influence. Thus, with the help of financial rewards and encouragement, I can restructure the existing framework according to which leaders operate in the selected environment (Ahmad, 2015). With the inclusion of the described elements into a new workplace setting, I will set new standards of quality and motivate employees for lifelong learning. In addition, the emphasis on communication will incite change in the relationships between a leader and a target audience, prompting enhanced education of the target audience.

The ability to create a democratic environment, which the use of the “S” leadership type helps, is one of the key assets in the management environment. The described change will help to manage some of the most complex issues in the context of a multidisciplinary team (Ruiz-Jiménez & Mar Fuentes-Fuentes, 2016). As a leader in management, one needs to bear in mind that multidisciplinary collaboration may be quite difficult to set.

While providing multiple opportunities for improving satisfaction rates among the target audience, it is also fraught with a plethora of challenges, the risk of an increase in the number of conflicts between team members being the key one (Campbell, 2018). According to the recent data, the problem of conflicts caused by a shift in power dynamics within a multidisciplinary team is quite frequent (Gren & Lenberg, 2018). Due to the unwillingness among some members to abandon the traditional approach toward hierarchy and power distribution within a team, conflicts may occur, thus leading to disruptions in its performance (Rauzana, 2016). Thus, as a leader, I should explore the options for setting the principles of cooperation that will satisfy all stakeholders involved. The described change will require shaping the current perception of communication within a multidisciplinary team and the focus on collaboration, as well as target audiences’ well-being.

It would also be desirable for me as a leader to explore the concept of planning in depth. Although I am presently aware of the basic principles of planning as an aspect of management, the skills associated with forecasting and goal setting need to be polished to present better results and ensure that a team functions properly. The integration of proper techniques for scheduling key tasks, forecasting possible difficulties, and developing options for handling the emergent challenges should be seen as my next priority in the development of leadership skills (Morphet, 2015). Once the described abilities are integrated into the current set of leadership assets, I will be able to make a difference as both a leader and a manager.

Due to the evident prevalence of the “S” components in my personality as a leader, I can encourage education among the target audiences by providing the former with a strong role model and building the setting for developing emotional competence. Moreover, the fact that I can put the focus on communication in the healthcare environment implies that, as an “S” type of a leader, I can spur the development of cross-disciplinary collaboration in the management setting. Therefore, it is critical for me to focus on influencing staff members to encourage communication and promote responsibility in the healthcare setting. The former will imply inviting leaders to develop emotional competence that will contribute to improving the dialogue with target audiences. Furthermore, the increase in the quality of cross-disciplinary communication will have a generally positive effect on the performance of a management team.


Ahmad, S. (2015). Green human resource management: Policies and practices. Cogent Business & Management, 2(1), 1-10. Web.

Campbell, A. H. (2018). Global leadership initiatives for conflict resolution and peacebuilding. New York, NY: IGI Global.

Gren, L., & Lenberg, P. (2018). The importance of conflict resolution techniques in autonomous agile teams. Situations, 10, 23-26. Web.

Morphet, J. (2015). Applying leadership and management in planning: Theory and practice. Chicago, IL: Policy Press.

Rauzana, A. (2016). Causes of conflicts and disputes in construction projects. Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 13, 44-48. Web.

Ruiz-Jiménez, J. M., & Mar Fuentes-Fuentes, M. D. (2016). Management capabilities, innovation, and gender diversity in the top management team: An empirical analysis in technology-based SMEs. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 19(2), 107-121. Web.

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