Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales for Workforce

Utilizing Bars in Careers or Skills

BARS is a method for assessing workers in a given range of performance metrics by relating their actions to particular action patterns that anchor each performance level. It is a common technique used by companies to compare the output of their personnel against a particular or standardized set of behavior characteristics that are connected to specific numerical values. Business proprietors use these approaches to measure employee performance and facilitate providing input to workers and enhance self-development and identify individuals that deserve recognition and advancement in an institution. Another area in that BARS can be utilized is the sports sector. In this scenario, game administrators and instructors can promote training and development by applying the assessment methods’ outcomes in recognizing potential talent in performers (Georganta & Brodbeck, 2020). Furthermore, when coaches and players have unique habits to target, it is easier to create personalized learning and exercise paths for each participant.

The Benefit of BARS to Employers and Employees

Consequently, BARS helps managers assess employee work performance and implement a fair pay rise and promotion scheme. Evaluations, in turn, may help the workforce to increase their efficiency and assist businesses in developing or reconfiguring job functions to best suit different roles (Siahaan, 2017). Furthermore, employee evaluations can expose obsolete or ineffective corporate strategies. By implementing accurate and timely input and training, successful operative assessment programs integrate goals to help strengthen both the management and the staff (Siahaan, 2017). It also allows supervisors to rate the intensity at which specific activities were shown by individual personnel during the grading duration.

Even so, in this case, administrators may delegate duties or responsibilities to eligible teams, increasing productivity. Recognizing and appreciating creativity and hard work, on the other hand, can often empower a member of staff, bringing them gratification, which in turn enhances performance (Idowu, 2017). Consequently, the critical features of using this approach are that it is quick to apply, provides reliable outcomes, shows specific expectations, and exposes a worker’s individualized habits that lead to success.


Georganta, E., & Brodbeck, F. (2020). Capturing the four-phase team adaptation process with Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36(2), 336-347. Web.

Idowu, A. (2017). Effectiveness of performance appraisal system and its effect on employee motivation. Nile Journal of Business and Economics, 3(5), 15. Web.

Siahaan, E. (2017). Antecedents of employee performance and the influence on employee job satisfaction in banking service sector in Indonesia. Banks and Bank Systems, 12(4), 75-89. Web.

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