Beyond Canada Grocery: Competitive Analysis Details

The details of the competition for “Beyond Canada Grocery” show that the company has significant advantages in the market due to the high-quality services they provide and the demand for its work in the community. The strong sides of the organization and its opportunities constitute its competitive advantage in the sphere of product delivery.

Customer service: “Beyond Canada Grocery” establishes a new store offering locals a distinctive shopping experience. The store will provide various reasonably priced items, including fresh produce, organic foods, dairy products, and well-known items from other countries.

Brand name: “Beyond Canada Grocery” provides clients with high-quality new and natural products, mainly fruits and vegetables. The main competitive advantage of the discussed organization is based on the delivery of organic foods that are safe for human health.

Delivery services: “Beyond Canada Grocery” is a local, independent store in Vancouver, Canada. It functions in 24 locations, and not all are in Canada, which allows the business to be called international. It improves the company’s image and increases brand name awareness. Fresh goods are maintained and shipped from Canada and other countries to stores each morning.

Distribution network: The company has contracts with Beland and Biologique Canada Organic suppliers and receives the goods from local small businesses in British Columbia. It also has commercial agreements for products made exclusively for every region, like “Ginseng” in Korea and “Manuka Honey” in New Zealand.

Promotion and marketing: The supply of time-saving tools and management information is possible due to the integration of information systems in the company. “Beyond Canada Grocery” offers mail-in refunds, gift certificates, and performance tickets as a component of the promotion programs. From the marketing perspective, these measures are effective and improve the company’s competitive advantage (Mullin, 2018). It states that the organization can achieve good results in promoting its servicing by targeting the population potentially interested in its goods. It approaches the “Beyond Canada Grocery” individual and is more effective than the promotion technique used by big supermarkets for the general public.

Innovation and technology: The company utilizes the most up-to-date technology, including service robots, to conduct automatic checkouts while verifying all items using a bar code and QR code technology in a densely populated area with a diverse community. These cutting-edge systems come at a high initial investment cost but benefit from cutting annual running labor costs by more than 50%.

Price range: The company sells organic foods and supplements at a reasonable price, which makes it an economically justified solution for its clients. In other words, the costs are affordable, as the community population survey shows.

Management and return on investment: AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) are equipped with efficient inventory management software that allows for the automatic administration of unloading, storage, inventory, loading, and transportation of products. To reduce labor expenses in the company, automation systems replace 50% of direct labor.

The information above shows that “Beyond Canada Grocery” has competitive advantages over other companies that sell and deliver organic foods. The organization tries to adapt to the target audience’s needs, showing high flexibility in technologies and management. These aspects are crucial in creating the company’s brand name that works in different countries. In addition, the high quality of the product “Beyond Canada Grocery” sells supposes the promotion campaigns the company launches, which ensures their popularity.


Mullin, R. (2018). Promotional marketing. Routledge.

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