Bipolar vs. Borderline Disorder in a Female Patient

This case is characterized by the fact that the girl has non-standard behavior. She is prone to excessive activity, delusional thoughts and actions, and promiscuous sexual relations. In this case, there is one specific diagnosis and two differential ones, that is, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and personality, respectively. All three diseases are part of the same spectrum of disorders, and their manifestations are relatively similar. The main difference is that bipolar disorder is episodic; it manifests itself in periods of varying duration, while borderline disorder and schizophrenia are permanent.

In this case, the first and main diagnosis is bipolar disorder, which is indicated by the patient’s behavior as a hypomanic state. Characteristic signs are an increased euphoric emotional background, the patient is constantly on the move, hyperactive, and is characterized by fast, associative speech (Vieta et al., 2018). The patient is often hypersexual, almost always awake or sleeping two-three hours a day. Bipolar disorder can be diagnosed by a clinical and anamnestic examination performed by a psychiatrist at the.

This disease is incurable, but its diagnosis and treatment are essential. Treatment can reduce the number of episodes, their severity, and intensity, prevent adverse life events, helping to prevent relationship breakdown, job loss, and even suicidal attempts. If the patient loses touch with reality and harms himself and others, he is subject to hospitalization; outpatient treatment, in this case, is unacceptable. In the presence of a disease, it is recommended to exclude coffee, strong tea, alcohol, and energy drinks from the diet to avoid overexcitation. It is also important to establish a sleep schedule, sleep at least eight hours a night, and go to bed at about the same time.

The patient’s behavior is also consistent with schizophrenia and personality disorder diseases. It can be diagnosed either by a psychiatrist or, in the case of schizophrenia, using a neuro test or a neurophysiological test system. The treatment regimen is generally similar to bipolar disorder, but there are also special supplements specific to each condition. The main dangers are that these diseases can cause patients to harm themselves or others (Ganguly et al., 2018). In this regard, it is urgent to treat or stop the syndromes. Undoubtedly, the treatment of each disease will take time, but it is still necessary to start recovery as soon as a combination of several syndromes is identified.


Ganguly, P., Soliman, A. & Moustafa, A. (2018). Holistic management of schizophrenia symptoms using pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. Frontiers Public Health, 6(166), 1-9. Web.

Vieta, E., Salagre, E., Grande, I., Carvalho, A., Fernandes, B., Berk, M., Birmaher, B., Tohen, M. & Suppes, T. (2018). Early intervention in bipolar disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 175(5), 411-426. Web.

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