Fiber’s Role in Preventing Health Conditions

Summary of Article

The article I have chosen is devoted to specialized diets that account for the fiber index for coronary heart disease (Marcel & Pravikoff, 2018). The formation of a healthy diet allows patients to alleviate the symptoms of the illness. A diet based on fiber regulation helps to maintain normal body weight in cardiovascular diseases. Scientists also claim that it protects against the development of diabetes and elevated values of harmful cholesterol (Marcel & Pravikoff, 2018).

Description of the Disease

My paper claims to help reduce or eliminate coronary heart disease. This is an acute or chronic disease associated with a decrease or complete stoppage of blood supply to the muscle tissue of the heart (Marcel & Pravikoff, 2018). It occurs due to the narrowing of the lumen of the arteries of the heart when atherosclerotic plaques appear in them.

Description of the Types of Fiber

This article mentions the dietary type of fiber; it includes water–insoluble fibers such as cellulose, some hemicelluloses, and lignins (Marcel & Pravikoff, 2018). Insoluble fiber in water has a significant effect on the digestive tract. It stimulates the chewing function and the secretion of saliva, softening and fermenting food. Moreover, dietary fiber binds water, thereby preventing excessive dehydration of feces. This increases the volume of the stool and reduces the time of its passage through the intestines, contributing to weight loss.

Description of the Population Being Studied

The people and population mentioned in regard to the research that the article refers to are the majority of Americans (Marcel & Pravikoff, 2018). However, the authors first consider people with risk factors such as obesity or diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of the disease.

Summary of Evidence in Article

The information presented in the chosen article pertains to the role fiber plays in combating the diseases and conditions discussed. The advantages of fiber are that it prevents the negative effects of harmful products on the body (Marcel & Pravikoff, 2018). In the case of coronary heart disease, fiber lowers blood sugar and blood pressure, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Dietary fiber is a binding substance: nutritionists say that food rich in dietary fiber does not allow harmful cholesterol to enter the blood. As soon as the fibers are in the digestive tract, cholesterol is attached to them. Thus, the harmful substance does not have time to enter the body and has a detrimental effect on the arteries.

My Fiber Intake

My fiber intake meets the average: I consume about 13 g of fiber daily (Marcel & Pravikoff, 2018). The required amount of fiber is also determined, taking into account age categories. Therefore, I must consume 21 grams of fiber daily (Marcel & Pravikoff, 2018). The ratio of insoluble fiber to soluble fiber in my diet is 75% to 25%, which corresponds to the norm (Marcel & Pravikoff, 2018). My food options did contribute to my fiber intake: I often cook and eat fiber-rich dishes. Since I exercise, I drink fruit smoothies every day. Among the fruits from which I usually prepare this drink, kiwi is the most fiber-rich, and among the more exotic ingredients is feijoa.

There are some changes I could make to my own it that would allow for greater fiber intake. To do this, I should consume more fruits and berries, and they should be eaten in small portions throughout the day. The next recommendation for me is to have oatmeal for breakfast more often. As for protein foods, in addition to meat, I should include more vegetable proteins (beans and lentils) in my diet, which are also excellent sources of fiber.


Marcel, C., & Pravikoff, D. (2018). Diets for weight loss. Cinahl Information Systems, 8(7), 1-3.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, May 18). Fiber’s Role in Preventing Health Conditions.

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