Body Image in Media Representation


Body image is how people make judgments concerning their bodies. Since they are exposed to many media images, these media images emerge as the basis for some of the comparisons to others. Hence, people are bombarded with billboards, magazines, and videos that inform them what they need to strive to look like. The discussion examines a type f body image that the media emphasizes and if this is appropriate or not.

Type of Body Image Media Emphasizes

Media images emphasize an unrealistic picture of the body image with muscle-bound men and super-slim women drawing the most attention. While many people comprehend that image, manipulation is achievable; the degree to which it is applied by the media to darken or lighten skin tone and change body shape is not frequently understood. Body image entails how one sees oneself and how one thinks others perceive him/her. Therefore, a negative view of one’s body image is when a person strives with how he/she looks due to the people one hangs out with or stereotypes in the media to have a perfect body shape.

My perspective on Perfect Body Image in Media

However, based on what I have learned about body composition and a healthy body image, I do not think this is appropriate because each person has a unique body shape and is beautifully made. Body positivity entails self-love in which people value their sizes and shapes, as we are all beautiful and wonderfully made in the sight of God. It is only about feeling good about yourself regardless of what others perceive and think. Therefore, the media’s influence on body image may contribute to self-image problems, which may result in drug and alcohol use, eating disorders, cutting, sexual risk conduct, and bullying. Furthermore, in magazines, videos, billboards, and social media, specific body shapes are prioritized as perfect body shapes. It can cause society to consider these body types and particular eating habits healthier and more attractive than other ones.


In summary, having a positive body image can lead to good mental and physical health. However, women and girls mostly experience negative feelings and thoughts concerning their bodies; hence prone to develop some mental health issues, for example, depression and eating disorders. One’s body shape may say quite a bit concerning a person’s health; nonetheless, it is essential to remember that it is only one factor.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 17). Body Image in Media Representation.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Body Image in Media Representation." December 17, 2023.

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