Bridges to Biotechnology and Bioentrepreneurship

Biotechnologies and bioengineering have stepped forward over the past few decades due to the development of information and other technologies. It is difficult to imagine who has a greater influence on the global system now than biotechnologists. I am interested in this program because I think it is a unique opportunity for me personally to get acquainted with the biotechnology industry. Summer school is a great start for a career in this field, which will help to increase personal interest in this segment. It means a lot to me that every year new discoveries occur in the field of biotechnology, which greatly improves human life.

I am close to the main activities of companies that are trying to solve such global problems of humanity as climate change, aging, high-quality food production and the availability of medical care. In times of wars, political disputes and epidemics, it is important to continue improving science and technology to enrich every person’s life (Angelita et al., 2021). I consider this program useful for myself in the sense that I will get the opportunity to study for an online master’s degree in the direction I am interested in. A big plus will be to interact with experts in this field to study all the advantages and disadvantages of biotechnologies.

The opportunity to receive valuable advice will be good support for a future career in the field of biotechnology. The scholarship is not so important as the knowledge and experience gained in what I really like and what I want to develop in the future. The chance to contribute to solving global problems, make new discoveries and make medicine more accessible and of high quality really inspires and motivates hard work in this field.


Angelita, P. H., Liane, S. S., Kaylin, M. C., & James W. L. (2021). Bridges to biotechnology and bioentrepreneurship: Improving diversity in the biotechnology sector. Nature Biotechnology, 39(11), 1468-1474.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Bridges to Biotechnology and Bioentrepreneurship." April 8, 2023.

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