Building Americans’ Awareness of Their Lack of Civility

The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. Despite its excellence in economics and technology, a number of social issues have been striking the nation’s positions. For many decades, American politicians have promoted the rhetoric of “America vs. world,” which has led to the negligence of values that are important in a democracy. The US is in danger of losing its status as a democratic country. The polarization has led to public unrest, and people allow themselves any actions and refer to it as an act of democracy. Manners have been forgotten when speaking of politicians, or when discussing ideas foreign to American culture. People need to understand that civility has been lost, and it is significant to revive it if we want to continue to be a democratic state.

To solve a problem, one needs to recognize that the issue exists. Therefore, in order to promote civility, it is essential to build awareness of the lack of it. Schools and universities should conduct regular meetings with students to discuss the dilemma. As part of the curriculum, they may offer classes on respectful communication and tolerance. Democracy means inclusiveness, but speaking disrespectfully to any individual is against its principles. To extend the scope of the mission, government agencies can develop programs, offering various strata of the population with necessary educational resources. Civility’s importance to democracy should be discussed in order to provide people with motivation to enhance in this aspect. In summary, awareness can be built only through a systematic approach. The younger generation can be influenced by schools and universities, and adults can be targeted by government programs.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 31). Building Americans’ Awareness of Their Lack of Civility.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Building Americans’ Awareness of Their Lack of Civility." December 31, 2021.

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