Business Communication Essentials: The Letter

Company Manager,
132 Tamale Drive,
Los Angeles, California.
21 April 2022

Dr. Shannon
Production Representative
Gemmy Inc.
844 Gemmy Street
Miami, Florida 3434.

Dear Shannon,

Punctuality is important for several reasons. First, it helps ensure that projects are completed on time. Second, it allows managers to more effectively plan their workdays and avoid disruptions. Third, it demonstrates respect for colleagues and clients; finally, punctuality shows a commitment to the company’s goals and values. Lateness is discouraged for many reasons; it can interfere with the completion of tasks and deadlines. Similarly, it can cause disruptions in the workplace and disrupt the flow of work and can even be disrespectful to colleagues and customers.

If a company is relying on its employees to be on time and ready to work, then any employee who is consistently late can have a significant impact on the company’s success. For example, if an assembly line is constantly missing parts due to late employees, the entire production process may be delayed. Or, if a receptionist is frequently absent, customers may be unable to get help or directions they need. In short, any employee who is not fulfilling their job responsibilities by reporting late creates a negative impact on the company’s success.

According to the company’s policies, consistent lateness and absenteeism are considered disrespectful to the management, and relevant penalties are allocated to regulate such cases. Any employees whose names appear in today’s organization magazine in the lateness column will be subjected to double shift as a way of serving their lateness punishment. Therefore, I kindly urge you to check your name in the magazine. If you are mentioned, then the double shift will start today from 8 pm to 1 am and from 7 am to 11 am for the next two weeks.

I am looking forward to receiving your mail to whether you are in the lateness column or not so that more information can be availed.

Jack Barry
Company Manager
[email protected]


Bovée, C. L. (2010). Business communication essentials. Pearson Education India.

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