Leadership Behaviors, Honesty and Ambition


It is important to note that effective leadership requires a specific set of behaviors and actions, which are rooted in foundational qualities of honesty and ambition. Although there is a wide range of different leadership styles with a correspondingly divergent emphasis on some points of focus, they all rely on the core qualities of human values. Thus, honesty through sincerity and truthfulness, as well as ambition through a hard-working attitude and aspiration, are the essential ingredients of effective and impactful leadership behaviors and actions.

Human Values and Leadership

Firstly, when it comes to honesty, which is manifested in a sincere and truthful approach, the derived leadership behaviors and actions are overwhelmingly positive. It is reported that not only honesty is moral and ethical but also “a constructive course of action in establishing and building not only your company but the culture within” (Juetten, 2019, para. 1). In other words, its influence cannot be overstated since it serves as a basis for corporate or organizational culture leading to proactivity and constructive work. A leader must be aware of the fact that dishonesty might appear as a more convenient and comfortable path to take, but it comes at a cost in the long term, making it unsustainable. It is stated that “perhaps the greatest function that honesty can serve in a company is avoiding problems and mistakes that grow into major issues” (Juetten, 2019, para. 3). Thus, many companies fail, go bankrupt, or become an agent of massive scandals primarily due to dishonest practices and conduct. Leaders should promote honesty by being sincere and truthful.

Secondly, in the case of ambition, the most worthwhile objectives and goals are achieved not only by being hard-working and aspiring on one’s own but also by exemplifying them among the subordinates and followers. However, ambition needs proper management and direction, without which a leader can manifest the given quality in the form of imbalance. One should be aware of “how ineffective people can be at nurturing and expressing ambition. The problem is that too many leaders fail to see it as a vital resource” (Carucci, 2020, para. 3). The main reason is the fact that some leaders are unambitious, but others are overly ambitious, resulting in a lack of balance. It is reported that being excessively ambitious is highly damaging to one’s relationships and reputation, which can result in a serious failure both for the leader and group, as well as a company or organization (Carucci, 2020). However, insufficiency in one’s ambition leads to the development of unmotivated and lazy imagery. Thus, it is critical to learn to be ambitious in a productive way by preserving one’s aspirations and capacity for hard work to maximize their values over the long term.

Moreover, both ambition and honesty result in the greatest possible outcome if used in conjunction. It is stated that “many leaders fear that being transparent about what they hope to achieve will lead to resentment or jealousy from their team” (Carucci, 2020, para. 16). However, for a leader, being direct and open about his or her ambitions creates a “shared commitment to achieving the rewards everyone wants” (Carucci, 2020, para. 16). In other words, as it pertains to leadership, the meaning and purpose of honesty and ambition are to ensure commitment to the goal of the group being led.


In conclusion, ambition through a hard-working attitude and aspiration and honesty through sincerity and truthfulness are the essential ingredients of effective and impactful leadership behaviors and actions. Honesty is hard to implement because it is not always the most convenient option with longitudinal benefits. Ambition requires a balance between its two extremes, which is an art in itself. However, the most potent form of leadership is derived from the combined use of both qualities.


Carucci, R. (2020). How ambitious should you be? Harvard Business Review. 

Juetten, M. (2019). Leadership tips: Honesty as a policy. Forbes. 

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