Business Process Reengineering at Coca-Cola: Advantages and Disadvantages


Business process reengineering is aimed at transforming processes so that the organization’s activities are optimized and efficient. Coca-Cola has engaged in business process reengineering to simplify internal processes, improve service, and get higher profits. Many stages were carried out, but still, the company achieved the planned results. Each reengineering process has its advantages and disadvantages, but it is still often an effective way to achieve the organization’s goals.

The Advantages of the Coca-Cola Reengineering

The advantage of the reengineering that the Coca-Cola organization has undertaken is the acquisition of new productivity strategies. In turn, this brought another advantage, namely effective customer service. The third advantage of reengineering was a significant reduction in costs and optimization of long-term profits.

Moreover, the waiting time for a response from the support service for those customers who have addressed any question has been reduced (Marshielaet. al., 2020. The most significant advantage was that the company has globally transformed its processes and now can respond quickly and clearly to any market changes.

The Disadvantages of the Coca-Cola Reengineering

Yet despite all the advantages of reengineering, it also has significant disadvantages. In this case, the disadvantage is that the staff may hinder changes due to fear of new technologies and processes. In addition, the disadvantage is the lack of qualified personnel who can take an active part in reengineering.

A significant disadvantage is the risks associated with innovations planned at the enterprise. Pressure from management to speed up the reengineering process is also a disadvantage since the adaptation of employees will take longer and less efficiently. Another significant drawback is time constraints, as the company needs to rapidly implement changes.


In conclusion, the process of reengineering is necessary for those organizations that strive to achieve several goals. Although reengineering has many advantages and disadvantages, it often helps an organization become more efficient and effective. The Coca-Cola Company was reengineered, which, although it had some drawbacks, still helped the company to optimize customer service, establish production, increase sales, and, in general, increase the popularity of the company.


Marshiela A., Blances S., & Ayra S. K. (2020) Case study: BPR experience of the Coca-Cola company.

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StudyCorgi. "Business Process Reengineering at Coca-Cola: Advantages and Disadvantages." October 10, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Business Process Reengineering at Coca-Cola: Advantages and Disadvantages." October 10, 2024.

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