Buying a Laptop: Personal Experience

Although the modern computer hardware market provides a lot of options to choose from, buying a laptop is not an easy task. It is necessary to find such a model that would satisfy the technical requirements of a customer and be reasonably priced. The current paper describes the experience of purchasing a laptop and pays special attention to the behavior of a salesperson.

Coming to the electronics store, I had three primary requirements for a laptop: it should have a widescreen, a lightweight, and an affordable price. However, there were way too many laptops of various brands that satisfied the demands. Hence, I asked a salesperson to tell the weak and strong sides of each device. The shop assistant informed me of the charge duration, memory capacity, the volume level of music speakers, the quality of the integrated camera, and the brightness of the screen. Besides, he inquired for which purposes I need a laptop because one for study would not be suitable for gaming. Undoubtedly, communication with the salesmen was a decisive factor in buying the computer that I use now.

At the same time, it should be noticed that the salesmen, by all means, tried to increase sales and recommended me to buy a bag, a mouse, and install the software in the shop for extra payments. Even though I highly appreciate his assistance, the pressure to buy more goods was irritative because, from the very beginning, I denoted the maximum amount of money that could be spent.

To conclude, I am satisfied with the laptop since it works just as well as the salesmen promised. Talking about his attempt to sell more goods, he was performing the duties and could not be blamed for this. Still, salespeople should be more attentive to the words and behavior of the clients to avoid making suggestions that the latter would deny. Most importantly, the assistance of the seller enabled me to economize my time and make the best possible choice.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 21). Buying a Laptop: Personal Experience.

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