Evolution and Formation of the Christian Church: Key Perspectives

The evolution and formation of the Christian Church were complex processes impacted by the appearance of various perspectives on basic dogmas, rituals, cannons. For this reason, there were many attempts to structure all existing ideas and outline a unified vision that should be followed by all adherers. For instance, the Council of Trent became the 19th ecumenical council that was preconditioned by the rise and growing popularity of the Protestant Reformation (Holmes & Bawulski, 2014).

That is why it was the central pillar of the Counter-Reformation aimed at the elimination of ideas that opposed the accepted dogmas (Holmes & Bawulski, 2014). However, many theologians continued arguing about the nature of cannons and their treatment. Calvin was one of the leaders of the Reformation who created his response to the Council of Trent and discussed the fundamental concepts of faith.

In his cogitations about God, predestination, and chosenness, Calvin responds to the Prophet who speaks about the Jews and their view of faith. For instance, he assumes that their scorn for God’s teachings was the worst possible response to his love (Calvin, 1547). Giving his favor to one or another person, the Lord shows his special attitude; however, rejection of this gift contradicts the basics of religion (Calvin, 1547). At the same time, honoring people with such election, God creates holy chains that should be appreciated by people; otherwise, there is no justification for these acts as they disregard one of the greatest miracles and step away from God and his teachings (Calvin, 1547). This assumption becomes significant for further cogitations.

Another argument suggested by Calvin is that people are created after the Lord’s image. It is his choice that can be used to explain the nature of human beings and their attitude towards God. However, he argues the fact emphasized by Paul in chapters of Romans by saying that having promised to be the God of Abraham and his descendants, he later distinguishes between Abraham’s sons as he rejects and loves different people (Calvin, 1547).

In such a way, it may seem strange that God can reject some individuals only because of their nature, while others are preferred for the same reason (Calvin, 1547). Calvin states that if there is no corruption in people’s souls, they will acquire the same blessing regardless of their belonging (Calvin, 1547). This idea becomes one of the central assumptions of the Reformation as it shows that all people deserve love and gifts.

Calvin also speaks about predestination as one of the central concepts of faith. He does not refute its importance; however, the theologian doubts its explanation given previously by the Christian Church (Humphries, 2017). He assumes that the given term refers not to the election but to the purpose of God by which he decided to bear the cross (Calvin, 1547). In other words, people are not predestined in their lives, and they possess free will. At the same time, God’s grace will be given only to then who accompany the Holy Spirit and accepts faith (Calvin, 1547). In such a way, predestination is not the question of election or giving preference, but it is a matter of choice.

Altogether, suggesting these ideas, Calving creates his response to the Council of Trent in which he emphasized the concepts of love, faith, choice, and predestination. Cogitating about the existing dogmas of the Christian Church, he introduces his vision that contradicts some cannons. He creates the theoretical framework for the further evolution of the Reformation and the emergence of new perspectives on grace, free will, love, and fate. These ideas contributed to the development of the Christian Church and the appearance of discussions.


Calvin, J. (1547). Acts of the Council of Trent with the Antidote. Web.

Holmes, S., & Bawulski, S. (2014). Christian theology: The classics. London, UK: Routledge.

Humphries, T. (2017). Many are called, but who is chosen? Winona, MN: PforessorsChoice.com.

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StudyCorgi. "Evolution and Formation of the Christian Church: Key Perspectives." May 27, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/calvins-reaction-to-the-council-of-trent/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Evolution and Formation of the Christian Church: Key Perspectives." May 27, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/calvins-reaction-to-the-council-of-trent/.

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