Camping: The Important Advantages

People planning a vacation by the sea sometimes consider camping. Camping is a summer type of auto tourism, which involves a closed area with places for tents. This type of recreation is widespread worldwide, and often in the warm season, people prefer it to many other types of leisure. Even though there are various types of outdoor activities, camping still has many advantages that make it more attractive than others.

The most common reason for choosing this type of holiday is the economy. A parking place for a car and a tent camping is always cheaper than the most economical room in a hotel or guest house. Moreover, campsites are often located in protected areas close to the sea and far away from the noise of the road (Tsopa et al., 2020). Another undoubted advantage of camping is that you can come up with a lot of exciting entertainment for children and adults in the fresh air. This can be sea or river fishing, bike rental for cycling, playgrounds, and sometimes animators.

Car trips with overnight stays in campsites do not require special skills and even basic physical training. All that is needed is to be able to put up a tent and learn how to cook on a campfire or a burner, and this will not be difficult. Organizing a camp is an excellent team-building event, and the trip allows people to communicate with their families away from the hustle and bustle of the city (Tsopa et al., 2020). For many travelers, camping is an opportunity to plunge into sports tourism.

In conclusion, camping is an ideal type of recreation suitable for children and adults. People spend time outdoors, relax with their family and friends, and improve their life skills in non-standard conditions. Another advantage is the low cost of camping and the possibility of traveling by car. Camping is widespread all over the world, and its popularity continues to grow, as many advantages and cheapness attract people.


Tsopa, N., Akimova, E., Malakhova, V., & Akimov, S. (2020). Development of a methodology for assessing the integral effectiveness of an investment project for the camping site construction in the coastal zone. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 913(1), 1-7.

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