Canto 26 of Dante’s Paradiso: Dante’s Test and Reward

Canto 26 is designed like a test for Dante, which he successfully completes. At the start of the Canto, he is blinded by the sight of St. John. Dante is concerned about his eyesight, to which St John replies that Dante’s eyesight will return. However, then, St John proceeds to ask questions aimed at evaluating Dante’s purity of intention and strength of faith. He asks what is the destination of Dante’s soul, which is God. The next question is the inspiration for seeking God, which is philosophy. Finally, St. John inquiries about the strength of Dante’s love. Dante reaffirms his love for God, which is ultimately rewarded as Beatrice heals his eyesight.

Dante’s reward for passing St. John’s test is not limited to the return of eyesight. Dante also sees more clearly: “I saw better than I had before” (verse 69). It enables him to see and talk with the first man Adam. It is interesting to note that Dante does not speak at all during this conversation. Instead, Adam guesses correctly what Dante wants to ask of him and answers it himself. The questions include the amount of time since the creation, the amount of time spent in the Garden of Eden, the reason for God’s anger at Adam, and the language Adam used after the sin.

It seems that the entire narrative of this Cante is built around the test and the reward for passing the test. It is similar to many Christian values, where the faith in God is constantly tested, and the righteous ones are rewarded, while those who fail the test experience God’ anger. Adam serves as the juxtaposition to Dante – what would have happened to him if he had not answered St. John’s questions correctly. In a similar way, Adam himself failed God’s test when he intruded and ate the forbidden apple. Dante’s ability to see Adam and have his questions answered without having to ask them is Dante’s rewards for love and faith in God.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, August 16). Canto 26 of Dante’s Paradiso: Dante’s Test and Reward.

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