Holistic Nursing: Jimmy’s Evidence-Based Care Model

Artistic Representation: Shorty Story

Jimmy has been providing evidence-based nursing care to his patients. He believes strongly that the role of a nurse is to maximize the health outcomes of more people. One day he was supposed to provide medical care to a deaf patient. Some of his colleagues were not in a position to deliver high-quality services to the person. Jimmy created a plan to support the needs of this patient. The model was implemented after attracting a family member, a psychiatrist, a special needs expert, and a physician to be part of the process. The concept of a multidisciplinary team became a reality in the unit. The team was now ready to focus on the unique emotional, physical, spiritual, and psychological attributes of the patient. Every participant was glad to realize that the patient’s needs had been addressed in a timely manner.

Caring: Discussions

Caring is a concept that focuses on the best approaches to meet the health needs of a given patient. The process seeks to identify every emerging health need and address it immediately. The strategy is done to improve the healing process. The idea of caring is important to the nursing profession and practice. The profession calls for extensive knowledge to make sure the healthcare delivery process is successful (Crane & Ward, 2016). Caring, therefore, becomes a powerful approach for monitoring, addressing, and fulfilling the needs of the patient. The process is supported by evidence-based attributes such as continuous collaboration, communication, and identification of challenges. The practice guides nurses to achieve their ultimate objectives.

A personal caring model differs significantly from nurse A to B. My approach is guided by five unique elements. These include commitment, compassion, confidence, conscience, and competence. I combine the attributes with my nursing competencies to provide holistic care to more patients (Ozan, Okumus, & Lash, 2015). This aim is achieved by targeting the emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of different patients. The model of care is then personalized depending on these unique expectations. This strategy is what makes the care process holistic in nature.

Research indicates that caring is an evidence-based practice informed by the health needs of a patient. Caregivers should go identify the religious, emotional, and physical attributes of the patient. Ozan et al. (2015) define caring as the application of autonomous initiatives to fulfill the expectations of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Every setting should be examined to ensure the care process maximizes health outcomes. These definitions echo my perspective on caring.

The artistic expression described above can be analyzed as a manifestation of effective caring. The short story explains how Jimmy uses appropriate competencies to attract different players who can deliver evidence-based care to deaf patients. The presented patient represents the issue of diversity in care delivery. The use of multidisciplinary teams supports the delivery of holistic care (Ozan et al., 2016). Nurses can borrow most of the lessons presented in the story to come up with desirable care models for their patients.

In conclusion, this paper presents various concepts that can be used to improve the nature of caring in nursing. The discussion acknowledges that the idea of evidence-based care can be improved through the use of multidisciplinary teams. The initiative creates room for holistic care delivery. Nursing care is successful if it is characterized by inimitable attributes such as commitment, conscience, compassion, confidence, and competence (Crane & Ward, 2016). Nurses should work tirelessly to acquire new dexterities and deliver holistic care.


Crane, P. J., & Ward, S. F. (2016). Self-healing and self-care for nurses. AORN Journal, 104(5), 386-400. Web.

Ozan, Y. D., Okumus, H., & Lash, A. (2015). Implementation of Watson’s theory of human caring: A case study. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(1), 25-35. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 19). Holistic Nursing: Jimmy’s Evidence-Based Care Model. https://studycorgi.com/caring-concept-analysis/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Holistic Nursing: Jimmy’s Evidence-Based Care Model." December 19, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/caring-concept-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. "Holistic Nursing: Jimmy’s Evidence-Based Care Model." December 19, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/caring-concept-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Holistic Nursing: Jimmy’s Evidence-Based Care Model." December 19, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/caring-concept-analysis/.

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