Case Study About the Patient With Geriatric Syndromes

Functions of the Head

  • Supports the face
  • Provides communication network
  • Protects the skull
  • Monitors the five senses
  • Facilitates signal processing and interpretation
  • Manages the five sense organs

Abnormalities of the head

  • Brain tumor
  • Neural pathway disorder

Symptoms of brain tumor

  • Headache
  • Memory loss
  • Speech defection
  • Visual failure
  • Personality changes

Nursing interventions for brain tumor

  • Evaluate the patient’s body changes
  • Observe the patient’s communication pattern and social interaction (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2014)

Patient education

  • Patient must understand the predisposing factors of brain tumor.
  • Diet sequence must be administered.

Symptoms of neural pathway disorder

  • Seizures
  • Muscle weakness
  • Pain
  • Paralysis
  • Poor cognitive ability
  • Numbness

Nursing interventions for neural pathway disorder

  • Conduct a physical assessment for patient’s response to touch.
  • Determine the progress of the disorder and administer medications.

Patient education for neural pathway disorder

  • Explain the reasons for numbness
  • Describe the benefits of daily exercise

Functions of eye

  • Signal processing
  • Processing time
  • Sensitivity
  • Adaptation
  • Sight
  • Accommodation
  • Focusing
  • Measurement
  • Determination of health status
  • Crying

Abnormalities of the eye

  • Sensory defects
  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma

Symptoms of sensory defects

  • Uncoordinated movements
  • Clumsy
  • Fear

Nursing interventions for sensory defects

  • Patient education for the prevention of sensory defects
  • Provide support and encouragement to aid patient recovery

Symptoms of cataract

  • Impaired vision
  • Fading of colors
  • Glaring lights
  • Halo conditions
  • Frequent lens prescription

Nursing interventions for cataract

  • Conduct eye test
  • Provide dilating medications

Symptoms of glaucoma

  • Sudden impaired vision
  • Head pain
  • Eye pain
  • Vomiting

Nursing interventions for glaucoma

  • Monitor patient recovery
  • Administer pain relief medications

Functions of the face

  • Supports verbal communication
  • Enables expression (anger, joy, smile)
  • Enables human identity
  • Biological perspective
  • Enables recognition

Functions of the ear

  • Hearing
  • Facial balance
  • Waste discharge channel

Functions of the mouth

  • Eating
  • Breathing
  • Chewing
  • Sucking
  • Drinking
  • Griping
  • Sound processing
  • Waste channel

Functions of the nose

  • Breathing
  • Feeding
  • Waste discharge channel
  • Smelling
  • Temperature regulator
  • Humidifier
  • Filter

Abnormalities of the nose

  • Nasal tumor
  • Respiratory disorder

Symptoms of nasal tumor

  • Mucus secretion
  • Nose bleeding
  • Mucus drain
  • Nasal congestion
  • Palate growth

Nursing interventions for nasal tumor

  • Conduct physical test to determine the progress of the abnormality.
  • Prepare patient for chemotherapy, surgery, and palliative treatment.

Symptoms of respiratory disorder

  • Breathing problems
  • Rapid breathing
  • Infections
  • Inflammation

Nursing interventions for respiratory disease

  • Provide ventilator
  • Monitor patient breathing pattern (Lohr, 2004)

Patient education for the nose

  • Do not inhale toxic gases
  • Control smoking habits

Functions of the neck

  • Supports the head
  • Provide balance
  • Facilitates body movement
  • Facilitates blood movement
  • Enables fluid and nutrient transportation

Abnormality of the neck

  • Neck pain

Symptoms of neck pain

  • Muscle weakness
  • Breathing abnormality
  • Numbness

Nursing interventions for neck pain

  • Conduct pain management therapy
  • Observe weight loss and administer radiation therapy

Patient education for neck pain

  • Describe the recovery process for the patient
  • Discuss the patient’s sleeping pattern

Functions of the throat

  • Food passage
  • Air and water channel
  • Assist digestion
  • Acts as linkage

Symptoms of throat cancer

  • Weight loss
  • Ear pain
  • Sore throat
  • Persistent cough
  • Strain voice recognition

Nursing interventions for throat cancer

  • Conduct a physical assessment on the patient
  • Observe body weight for one week
  • Prepare the patient for surgery

Patient education for throat cancer

  • Discuss the procedures for surgery and recovery
  • Discuss the patient’s eating habit after surgery.

Components that make up the system

  • The human head consists of the face, nose, eye, mouth, and ear.
  • The head accommodates the human brain.
  • Communication is enabled by the human brain. As a result, the head facilitates the functions of the face, nose, mouth and ears.
  • Each component of the head relay signal messages to the brain.
  • The brain interprets each message signal from the face, nose, eyes, moth and ear.
  • The sense organ determines the message format. However, the brain receives, evaluates, interprets, and relays messages in accordance with its functionality.
  • The human neck connects the head to the body.
  • The point of connection is controlled by nerve endings that facilities movement, communication, signal transfer, and fluid transportation (West et al., 2002).
  • Fluid transportation to various parts of the human enables stability.

Patient education for the system (head and neck)

  • Patients must exercise regularly to keep fit
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Maintain body hygiene
  • Consume plenty water
  • Eliminate stress

Signs and symptoms that demonstrates a healthy system

  • Wellness of the mind and body
  • Normal body temperature
  • Normal function of the five sense organs
  • Normal blood pressure
  • Normal metabolism rate

Physical assessment of the body system

  • The physical assessment of the body system includes baseline measurement, medication therapy, health status, and comfort status (Bastian, 2000).
  • The apparatus required for the assessment include the stethoscope, flashlight, clinical thermometer, and sphygmomanometer.
  • The stages include general appearance, integumentary assessment, cardiovascular assessment, and respiratory assessment,
  • The nurse will conduct physical assessment on patient’s appearance and behavior (Jarvis, 2011).
  • Neurological assessment will evaluate the patient’s level of consciousness, verbal response, motor response, and pupil reactions (West et al., 2002).
  • Integumentary assessment includes skin inspection, nail inspection, mucous membrane hygiene, teeth and gum inspection.
  • Cardiovascular assessment includes heart sounds and the peripheral vascular system.
  • The thorax and lungs inspection will form the respiratory assessment.

Documentation of the completed physical assessment will be displayed in a medical format

Date: Client vigilant and oriented x 5, eyes PERRLA, I&0 800 ml in 5h. BP 120/75 R 18; P 75 patient voice is clear, complete bowel sequence, active quadrants. Perfect abdominal assessment, redness not present, intact staple, recommends relief medication for pain. Pain level 2 at 2245, Dara, James, LPN.

Evidence based practice articles

Lohr, K. (2004). Rating the strength of scientific evidence: Relevance for quality improvement programs. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 16(1), 9-18.

West, S., King, V., Carey, T., Lohr, K., McKoy, N., Sutton, S. & Lux, L. (2002). Systems to rate the strength of scientific evidence. Web.

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