Caterpillar Inc.’s Global Strategy

Caterpillar Inc.’s Short Term and Long-Term Goals

Caterpillar Incorporation Group acts like any other blooming firm and adopts short and long-term objectives to steer its advancement. Caterpillar’s long-term objective is economic prosperity, which will enable the firm to put more money into new goods and services while maintaining its worldwide top spot (Lysak, Marmon, & Schoen, 2020). Furthermore, the company aspires to provide solutions to its clients that the company may require to make the globe a better place. The corporation has classified its brief objectives into activities and extended producer responsibility.

The operational aims of the company incorporate reduced workstation accident numbers, energy performance, environmental impacts of reservoirs, water usage, and waste components, as well as increased usage of alternative power roots. In terms of item management, the organization aspires to be a frontrunner in ensuring the protection of those who handle its items and increasing the products’ long-term viability through technological advancement. In addition, Caterpillar wants to grow controlled fleet operations by 100% from 2013 and improve reconditioned and restore potential profits by 20% from 2013 (Lysak, Marmon, & Schoen, 2020). As a result, the firm’s objectives are primarily focused on economic expansion and long-term viability.

Caterpillar Inc.’s Performance in the Last 3-5Years

Firms might seek to acquire or merge with other enterprises to achieve their strategic targets and stay ahead of the competition. Caterpillar Company purchased about thirty companies throughout its existence, with three occurring in the recent five years. From March to May 2017, the firm bought Kemper Valve and Fitting’s organization and Yard Club, and in 2020, the company bought Marble Robot limited(Williams, 2018). Caterpillar Inc.’s operation improved due to the investments, and the company was able to meet its objectives.

Caterpillar’s product range broadened due to the purchase of Kemper Valve and Fittings Company, which enriched its item line with goods for the quality service business. The purchase of Yard Club provided a greater technology improvement to Caterpillar and helped achieve corporate strategy since the firm’s ambitions were compatible (Williams, 2018). Caterpillar Inc. increased its market dominance and met its organization’s objectives through the merger and acquisition of the companies.

Caterpillar Inc.’s Critical Merger and Acquisition

In 2011, Caterpillar Corporation purchased Bucyrus International, which perhaps was the most important because it boosted the company’s performance and achievement in meeting its objectives. Improved diversity, reduced prices, and a decline in competition in the market are the key advantages of affiliation and possession of companies. Caterpillar Inc. was able to reduce the competitiveness of its competitors, mainly Komatsu, by obtaining Bucyrus International Company (Lysak, Marmon, & Schoen, 2020). Furthermore, by integrating big extraction machinery into Caterpillar’s product portfolio, this purchase strengthened the company’s market segmentation. Aside from that, the acquisition was pleasant, which was another characteristic of a good deal.

Caterpillar’s Operational Plan for Global Strategies

Caterpillar’s practical strategy for the international approach can be deemed to be good because it aids the corporation in achieving its objectives. Companies can pick from four global approaches to promoting their items: international policy, multi-domestic technique, international regularity approach, and transnational technique (Williams, 2018). Caterpillar’s global system can be described as transcontinental, as it integrates a considerable level of community engagement with a high level of cost-cutting stress. Caterpillar aims to operate as a resident corporation in international markets, adding regional qualities into its goods. Furthermore, the firm’s worldwide sales channel and units in several countries aid in cost reduction. The strategy is successful because it enables Caterpillar to remain a top-heavy equipment maker.


Lysak, A., Marmon, R., & Schoen, E. J. (2020). Whistleblowing and Caterpillar Inc.’s Swiss Tax Strategy. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 17, 237-250.

Williams, K. B. (2018). The Caterpillar Way: Lessons in Leadership, Growth and Shareholder Value and Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education. College and University, 93(3), 55-58.

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