Discussion: Applying Management in Life

Management involves various important matters and techniques that can be practical in many areas of life. Of all subjects addressed in the textbook by Kinicki and Soignet, I am interested in the topic of groups and teams. I have learned much about the distinctions, roles, and priorities of teams and groups and can use the new information in my work, student, and daily experiences when interacting with other people.

I chose the topic concerning groups and teams because it discusses relations between individuals. The subject is important to me, as I wish to be better at communicating. Firstly, I have realized that groups are different from teams. Members of the former have individual responsibilities and do not spend much time working together, whereas, in the latter, everyone shares duties with specific time to complete a task (Kinicki and Soignet 300). I have discovered that each person in a group usually has a certain role, which reflects a behavior expected from them (Kinicki and Soignet 301). Moreover, groups share particular norms that guide one’s conduct and create order (Kinicki and Soignet 303). While roles and norms can characterize a group, teams depend on the members being committed, collaborative, and competent (Kinicki and Soignet 312). I know that trust within a team is crucial, but I did not know its forms. I have learned about contractual trust, which reflects one’s character, communication trust, which represents disclosure, and competence trust, which demonstrates capability (Kinicki and Soignet 319). Overall, I now have a finer knowledge of the professional relations between people.

Based on the information I have analyzed about the topic, I will be able to make adequate decisions at work. As a member of a group, I will intentionally try to identify every individual’s role to know how to interact with them to perform better. For instance, after determining the roles, I would understand who can clarify key issues, mediate conflicts, or suggest new ideas (Kinicki and Soignet 301). Moreover, I will seek to recognize norms reinforced by the group to comprehend priorities and adjust my behavior if needed (Kinicki and Soignet 303). Finally, I will use the techniques suggested for building trust. For example, I will strive to be realistic, not overpromise, provide accurate feedback, and develop my skills (Kinicki and Soignet 319). I will make an effort to understand my colleagues and their anticipations regarding my work.

Although the topic of teams and groups refers to one’s professional contacts, I will use certain information in my student and daily life. In particular, when assigned a group project in a class, I will endeavor to determine each person’s role and corresponding responsibilities to enhance productivity (Kinicki and Soignet 301). Furthermore, I will apply some recommendations for building trust in my personal relationships. I will concentrate on being mindful of my commitments, not promising over my abilities, telling the truth, and being candid (Kinicki and Soignet 319). As people always interact with each other, my knowledge of management can help in everyday situations.

To summarize, I have learned more about groups and teams, specific roles and norms, and ways to build trust. I can apply the information I acquired upon studying the topic to advance my communication with others, behavior, and daily performance. I recognize that I should strive to act appropriately at work, during my academics, and in my personal life to meet people’s expectations.

Work Cited

Kinicki, Angelo, and Denise B. Soignet. Management: A Practical Introduction. 10th ed., McGraw Hill, 2021.

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