Team dysfunction refers to the breakdown of a particular team in an organization, making the workers stop working together and cooperating. Therefore, this may hurt team production and cooperation in the firm. In case of firm debilitation, team members should find options that ensure they mitigate the cause of deterioration in work relationships among employees. The paper will analyze the causes of team dysfunction and its effect on the overall functioning of firms.
Causes of Team Dysfunction
Several causes of team dysfunction affect employees and all stakeholders in firms. Conflict is one of the causes that break the workforce in an organization (John-Eke & Akintokunbo, 2020). When there is a conflict, the firm members involved in the dispute should find a way to ensure that they solve it to prevent further adverse outcomes, like decreased productivity. In addition, the team leader should be able to help settle that disagreement through their problem-solving skills.
The absence of trust among the workers is another factor that may cause divisions in the firm. Therefore, in a working area, the members involved should ensure honesty with one another. Lack of credibility in companies sabotages productivity, affecting employee engagement and retention (Terkamo‐Moisio et al., 2022). Trust guarantees the creation of a unified work culture that facilitates the team’s achievement of its objectives and goals. Hence, employees can develop action plans, monitor performance, and allocate resources.
Communication is another critical role of a company’s members in an organization. For them to have success, they should be able to communicate effectively with one another and with respect. Effective communication helps the team members to share ideas and give appropriate views in favor of their company (Yue et al., 2019). Hence, communication is a key aspect that helps solve several problems among the members, as working together requires daily interactions to handle the needed activities.
Effects of Team Dysfunction
The most significant effect that a dysfunction can cause is affecting the organization’s production. When the workforce is not on good terms, they will break down, reducing their ability to work together to increase yields. Team disputes affect the morale of the employees and the company’s stakeholders (Banks et al., 2019). For example, when there are conflicts among the members, they cannot talk to one another, which divides the group due to the feeling that one cannot work cooperatively, affecting their motivation. This also makes them unable to share constructive ideas that may help the organization.
In conclusion, team dysfunction creates conflicts within the organization, which hinders morale and generates an unfavorable work environment that results in poor productivity, declined commitment, and termination of employees because of misconduct. Members should adhere to all positive behaviors to work together toward a common objective and goal to minimize dysfunctions. To minimize team dysfunction, the members should be aware of these behaviors and ensure they drive them to the maximum performance. Employees should establish a good environment to evade the behaviors that hinder their guarantee of positive organizational results. To operate effectively in organizations, issues like lack of communication and trust must be addressed.
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John-Eke, E. C., & Akintokunbo, O. O. (2020). Conflict management as a tool for increasing organizational effectiveness: A literature review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(5), 299-311. Web.
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Yue, C. A., Men, L. R., & Ferguson, M. A. (2019). Bridging transformational leadership, transparent communication, and employee openness to change: The mediating role of trust. Public Relations Review, 45(3). Web.