Change of Family Standards in the 21st Century

If I were a sociologist, I would devote my scientific career to the study of modern family relationships. In our time, rapid changes are taking place in all spheres of human life. This applies to science, art, technology, communication, and, undoubtedly, building family relationships. Some consider the accelerating pace of change to be positive, while others fear innovation. However, one cannot deny the need for adaptation to modern realities and their careful study. This would be helpful for a better understanding of the world and the prediction of potential future changes.

Previously, family relationships were quite traditional. Families consisted of two parents of different sexes and children; each of the family members had specific roles. As a rule, the man was responsible for making money and providing for the family, and the woman was responsible for maintaining the house and creating comfort. Undoubtedly, this model can be called working since it has existed for centuries. However, the world is changing now, as people get to know their social needs and rights better. According to Neubauer (2016), “today, family relationships are more diverse, complex and fluid than the traditional nuclear family” (p. 2). For example, women continue to fight for emancipation, and governments worldwide are adopting a freer view of same-sex relationships. This leads to changes in the structure of the modern family.

In my opinion, one of the most interesting and relevant trends is the desire of people to create partner relationships. In such families, both people have equal rights and opportunities. Each of them earns a share of the money, has personal space, and gets a sufficient level of freedom. In addition, each family member has their own areas of responsibility, divided equally. The study of such relationships is of particular interest to sociologists since they are qualitatively new to traditional society (Ciabattari, 2016). On the one hand, it does not correspond to accepted and customary social norms and can affect partners’ psychological state. On the other hand, it affirms human freedom and rationality.

I have come across manifestations of this tendency from my own experience: I know some familiar families in similar relationships. It is worth noting that even after several years of this connection, people fully understand and support each other. It is also interesting that they began life together at a conscious age, about 30 years old. This suggests that they approached building relationships with the mind, having clear life principles and moral foundations. Thus, these couples are good examples of prosperous modern families. Undoubtedly, some conservatives do not support such partner marriages and advocate the traditional division of roles. However, in my opinion, people should adapt to modern realities and listen to reason and feelings when looking for partners and creating families.

Modern society is continuously undergoing exciting changes, and being a sociologist now means watching these changes with interest and predicting future ones. This process allows scientists and researchers not only to understand the structure of society better. It is also a vital factor in interpersonal communication and self-understanding. In-depth knowledge of sociology can help build a family, career, and other important social activities. Thus, if I were a sociologist, I would try to take as many useful skills as possible from this science. It would be beneficial to my life and allow me to lead a more conscious and happier existence.


Ciabattari, T. (2016). Sociology of families: Change, continuity, and diversity. SAGE Publications.

Neubauer, F. (2016). Familial life in modern society. GRIN Verlag.

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