Character Change in Malcolm X Film by Spike Lee

The film’s creator, Spike Lee, provides one of the 20th century’s most captivating figures with a sufficiently detailed screen biography rich in historical context and energetic cinematic style. Built around a superb performance, Malcolm X shows the life of the legendary civil rights activist from his early years to his conversion to Islam and subsequent rebirth as a brave activist for Black liberation. Thus, the paper aims to summarize the movie and discuss the main character’s development.

The film follows Malcolm Little as he goes through a series of identities, converts, and hard lessons of life. His father was a minister who preached the beliefs of Marcus Garvey, the African-American leader (Malcolm X). During a pilgrimage to Mecca, he was embraced by Muslims of many colors and returned to America, convinced that there were good people of peace in all races (Malcolm X). Black Americans learned the virtues of independence, self-respect, and pride from Malcolm X, a well-read, introspective, passionate, and visionary man. In terms of his views and values, he was believed to be incorruptible.

Malcolm X became more educated throughout the film, passionately engaged in thinking, and was always eager to learn more, as his prison experience reveals. Malcolm X dedicated his whole life to imagining a better future and way of life for black Americans (Malcolm X). Although he had a keen understanding of African Americans’ issues, his attention was constantly on the future. Although many of Malcolm X’s opinions changed over time, his conflict with the Nation of Islam shows that the main character had strong moral convictions and was unwavering in his decisions (Malcolm X). Malcolm X maintained his moral clarity in the face of Elijah Muhammad’s departure from his actual teachings, the man he most admired in the world.

Overall, the film charts the life of the legendary civil rights activist from his early years of abuse at the hands of white supremacists, through a life of minor crimes, to his conversion to Islam and subsequent rebirth as an activist. Well-read, introspective, passionate, and visionary man. Malcolm X dedicated his whole life to imagining a better future for black Americans. Due to his willingness to learn, he became a brave and strong leader for oppressed groups and fought for everyone’s equity.

Work Cited

Malcolm X. Directed by Spike Lee, performance by Denzel Washington, 40 Acres, and a Mule Filmworks, 1992.

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