Economic Consequences of China-Africa Relations: Opportunities and Challenges

There is a range of assumptions supported by different nations; among them, there are solidarity and the importance of collaboration. Speaking about such China and Africa, it is necessary to mention that it does not seem to be very easy for them to build strong and effective relationships (Asongu & Aminkeng, 2013). To some extent, it may also be regarded as a result of misunderstanding between the representatives of these cultures and totally different problems that they were facing throughout the history. Nowadays, China is regarded as one of the largest producing countries and the problem that attracts a lot of attention of researchers in the field of economics is related to the fact that it is expanding its influence in Africa.

In order to understand the present tendencies related to China-Africa relationships more thoroughly, it is necessary to review the articles devoted to this problem. In the article discussing positive and negative facts related to economic ties between these two countries, the author supposes that such collaboration may have a significant influence on economic development of Africa due to many reasons (“Africa’s growing trade and financial links with China,” 2011).

There are a lot of facts mentioned by the author of the article but it is necessary to pay an increased attention to the statement that economical growth experienced by China presents one of the most important factors allowing Africa to become stronger and increase its economic potential. As for the basic idea used by the author of the discussed article, it is necessary to say that these economic links become stronger but there are also certain issues that attract the attention of many specialists in the field. In particular, the author supposes that Chinese entrepreneurs working in Africa become more likely to implement financial malpractice and make financial operations less transparent.

Therefore, the author of this article supposes that such tendency may act as a significant threat to temporary economic growth of African countries. As it is clear from the point of view supported by the author, the result of this collaboration may be both positive or negative for Africa and the latter is required to design a strategy allowing it to stabilize the situation in case of unexpected circumstances.

The second source that needs to be mentioned with regard to relationships between China and Africa is the article by Alessi and Xu (2015). In the discussed article, the authors express their opinions on the topic of present tendencies related to further economic development of China and the connection of these tendencies with Africa. Therefore, the authors claim that it is quite difficult to evaluate this situation due to the fact that China not only contributes into economic development of Africa but also uses the latter as a resource in order to solve its own problems related to economic policy.

In particular, the authors mention that China needs additional resources and this is why it collaborates with Africa. At the same time, it really helps African countries to develop infrastructure. Despite that, it is known that common people in Africa seem to be worried about this collaboration as Chinese entrepreneurs sometimes tend to ignore local laws. In the end, the authors of these articles seem to be quite critical about the future of the relationships between Africa and China. In general, it can be said that they suppose that more attention should be paid to this problem because China may start using Africa as a resource.


Africa’s growing trade and financial links with China (2011). Web.

Asongu, S. A., & Aminkeng, G. A. (2013). The economic consequences of China–Africa relations: Debunking myths in the debate. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 11(4), 261-277.

Alessi, C. & Xu, B. (2015). China in Africa. CFR Backgrounders. Web.

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