Christian Life Coaching: Overcoming Obstacles and Spiritual Growth

Life Coaching

Definitions of Life Coaching, Mentorship, Discipleship, and Counseling

Life coaching is an intentional partnership between a coach and a coachee, primarily fostering successful outcomes in the coachee’s personal and professional life (Collins, 2009). While life coaching, mentoring, discipleship, and counseling all play a part in helping people improve their lives, there are also apparent differences between them. For instance, mentorship often focuses on enhancing an individual’s personal and professional growth by utilizing the mentor’s personal experience.

However, discipleship is frequently conceived as a spiritual activity encouraging religious fidelity (Collins, 2009). Contrarily, counseling gives people tools and methods to deal with, control, or get through psychological challenges (Deiorio et al., 2022). The main focus on personal growth, supporting goal fulfillment, and cultivating a future-focused perspective that life coaching has makes it unique.

Christian Life Coaching vs. Secular Life Coaching

Uniquely, Christian life coaching enhances the conventional life coaching approach by incorporating spiritual elements rooted in Christian doctrines and teachings (Maitanmi, 2019). This strategy emphasizes cultivating a close relationship with God and living by His plan rather than only focusing on gaining worldly prosperity (Ross, 2023). Here, the coach helps the coachee reconcile their objectives and behavior with their Christian religion and biblical teachings to enable them to live a life consistent with their spiritual views.


Internal Barriers

Numerous internal obstacles may appear in the field of life coaching, and Christian life coaching in particular. These obstacles’ leading psychological and emotional causes include low self-esteem, fear of failure, and poor self-perception (Deiorio et al., 2022). These internal challenges may make it difficult for clients to work toward their objectives, reduce their motivation, and foster feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Individuals may struggle with internal conflicts linked to self-worth, faithfulness, and the worry of falling short of spiritual expectations even in the Christian environment, despite the robust character of religion.

External Barriers

Concurrently, obstacles from outside the coach’s control present difficulties as well. These obstacles are frequently connected to the person’s external surroundings and situation (Williams, 2021). Such obstacles may include a lack of essential resources, unhelpful relationships, or sociocultural limitations that restrict an individual’s development and prevent them from moving toward their objectives (Deiorio et al., 2022). For instance, in Christian life coaching, societal pressures or expectations may conflict with a person’s Christian beliefs and values (Maitanmi, 2019). The coach’s job is to help the coachees recognize and overcome these outside obstacles to continue their personal, professional, and spiritual growth path.

Overcoming Obstacles

How Do Coaches Stand Firm?

Christian life coaches use a variety of tactics to get through the challenges above and maintain their commitment to their work. Establishing and maintaining credibility is essential to their strategy; this is accomplished by continuous learning, adaption, and the display of proficient coaching abilities (Williams, 2021). To deliver individualized advice that resonates with the client’s personal and spiritual journey, coaches must first be thoroughly aware of the client’s needs, skills, and shortcomings (Collins, 2009). A climate of trust and support for the coachee is also fostered by the Christian coaches’ uncompromising attitude, frequently strengthened by their faith and spiritual fortitude.

How Do Clients Get Through the Construction Zones?

Construction zones describe regions of hardship and struggle in a coachee’s life in the context of coaching. Resilience, flexibility, and the coach’s supervised support are necessary for navigating these domains (Ross, 2023). The coach supports this process by convincing the coachee to see these zones as chances for learning and progress rather than as insurmountable challenges (Bishop et al., 2018).

Additionally, clients in Christian life coaching are advised to draw strength from their religion during these trying times, using prayer and biblical teachings as a source of solace and direction (Collins, 2009). In this approach, clients can successfully navigate these “construction zones,” emerging more robust, stronger, and spiritually enlightened.

Application of Life Coach Principles

Work the SMART System

The life coaching process heavily relies on the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) system, which is true even for Christian life coaching (Lefdahl-Davis et al., 2018). Making it easier for coachees to articulate their goals in specific, practical language helps them attain their objectives. It ensures they align with their essential life objectives (Bishop et al., 2018). The coachee’s Christian values and ethical standards are highlighted in the goals through the use of the SMART technique in a Christian life coaching setting, enabling the coachee to advance both spiritual and personal growth.

Proceed with Prayer

Christian life counseling must include prayer as a crucial element (Collins, 2009). Maitanmi (2019) views it as obtaining heavenly direction and knowledge, harmonizing the coaching path with God’s desire. As stated in Philippians 4:6 (Holy Bible: New international version, 2011), “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Christian life coaches frequently incorporate prayer into their coaching sessions to invoke God’s presence, ask for His guidance, and strengthen the coachee’s faith. This facilitates a more profound spiritual connection and paves the way for a more meaningful, faith-infused coaching process.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Keeping the desired result in mind during the coaching process, sometimes known as “keeping your eye on the prize,” is essential for motivation and perseverance (Deiorio et al., 2022). This concept is reinforced in Christian life coaching, where the “prize” typically includes spiritual growth, a closer relationship with God, and material success (Collins, 2009). The coach helps the coachee maintain this focus, match their activities with their faith-driven goals, and get beyond roadblocks that could divert them from or discourage them from continuing their spiritual path.


Bishop, L., Hemingway, A., & Crabtree, S. A. (2018). Lifestyle coaching for mental health difficulties: scoping review. Journal of Public Mental Health, 17(1), 29–44. Web.

Collins, G. R., Dr (2009). Christian coaching, second edition: Helping others turn potential into reality (2nd ed.). NavPress.

Deiorio, N. M., Moore, M., Santen, S. A., Gazelle, G. S., Dalrymple, J. L., & Hammoud, M. M. (2022). Coaching models, theories, and structures: An overview for teaching faculty in the emergency department and educators in the offices. Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture, 6(5). Web.

Holy Bible: New international version. (2011). The NIV Bible.

Lefdahl-Davis, E. M., Huffman, L., Stancil, J., & Alayan, A. (2018). The impact of life coaching on undergraduate students: A multiyear analysis of coaching outcomes. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 16(2), 69–83. Web.

Maitanmi, S. O. (2019). Reflections on Christian education. Journal of Research on Christian Education. Web.

Ross, B. (2023). Ignite your life and leadership: A coaching framework for enhanced wellness and effectiveness. Christian Counseling Magazine. Web.

Williams, J. S. (2021). An empirical investigation of coaching ingredients: The role of the coach-coachee relationship in influencing coaching outcomes. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 16(1), 1–15. Web.

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