Current Advances and Challenges in Clinical Research Studies

Clinical Studies

Clinical studies are an integral procedure of medical practice, and such work involves quite a few aspects. The possibility of participating in various researches is a responsible and significant task as different exciting cases and correlations can be revealed in the process of such activity. Almost the entire medical team can take part in clinical research, including junior medical personnel, senior nurses, doctors, and curators (“Learn about clinical studies,” 2017). It is also essential to note that all the members of the group who are examined can expect protection from medical institutions and other authorized boards (“Learn about clinical studies,” 2017). It means that participants can freely become members of target groups, and they are guaranteed confidentiality and support from clinics and personnel in particular.

The reasons for conducting clinical trials can be very different. It may be the necessity to identify common or distinctive features or symptoms in particular patients, as well as the need to conduct statistical analysis of specific data (“Learn about clinical studies,” 2017). Personal experience can be quite crucial in this case. The more qualified a health worker is, the more chances he or she has to conduct a productive and useful study and make a significant contribution to the development of a particular and relevant issue. Moreover, in the process of performing various analyzes and research, the worker can establish contact and good relations with colleagues and the team through joint work and involvement in a particular project. Therefore, the significance of such work is entirely reasonable and justified both according to the urgency of the work performed and also according to personal benefits for the whole medical personnel.

Current Research Progress

My final topic of the study relates to the problem of congestive heart failure and reducing readmission rates. The relevance of this research is explained by the fact that an increasing number of patients suffer from this dangerous ailment, and the age of people with such a problem can be very different. In the course of my work, I considered quite a lot of resources and additional sources where authoritative authors discussed such a question and gave their arguments in favor of particular statements about certain issues.

During my research, a few scientific journals were used. In particular, I studied the work written by Pate and Deoghare (2015) and called “Heart Failure: Novel Therapeutic Approaches.” In this article, the authors examined different modern ways of treating congestive heart failure and offered various options for how to help patients with this problem. Also, the study by McIlvennan, Eapen, and Allen (2015) and called “Hospital Readmission Reduction Program,” was quite beneficial. The authors focused on those aspects of the activity that could help reduce readmission rates among patients and help in getting rid of an unpleasant and very dangerous ailment.

Despite the relevance of many of the studies that I have examined, some of them have proved to be unsuitable. Several works were similar to mine, and I decided not to use them to avoid accidental plagiarism and not repeat the thoughts of other authors. I plan to complete my current work as soon as possible and think that I will need no more than a week to add some missing information and make sure that all the sources I used are correctly designed and properly cited.


Learn about clinical studies. (2017). Web.

McIlvennan, C. K., Eapen, Z. J., & Allen, L. A. (2015). Hospital readmission reduction program. Circulation, 131(20), 1796-1803. Web.

Pate, C., & Deoghare, S. (2015). Heart failure: Novel therapeutic approaches. Journal Of Postgraduate Medicine, 61(2), 101-108. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 23). Current Advances and Challenges in Clinical Research Studies.

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StudyCorgi. "Current Advances and Challenges in Clinical Research Studies." October 23, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Current Advances and Challenges in Clinical Research Studies." October 23, 2020.

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