Cockroach Infestation and Health Issues Caused by Cockroaches

Cockroaches, Bacteria with Antibiotic Resistance, and Prevention of Infestation

The ability of cockroaches to harbor numerous infectious diseases and disseminate them, thus, contributing to a steep rise in the instances of diseases development, as well as the threat of epidemics (Pesquero & Carneiro, 2012). Therefore, there is a need to focus on preventing and addressing the instances of infestations of households. However, a recent study has shown that a range of cockroach species have bacterial with antibiotic resistance that protects them against pesticides (Pesquero & Carneiro, 2012).

A recent study on the subject matter indicates antibiotic resistance in “Staphylococcus, Escherichia, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Bacillus, Streptococcus, and Klebsiella” (Pesquero, ‎2012) was identified in the course of the research (Pesquero & Carneiro, 2012). The development of resistance toward antibiotics in bacteria carried by cockroaches is likely to pose a significant threat to people’s health since the traditional treatment methods are likely to fail when addressing the needs of infected patients.

Therefore, there is the need to prevent infestations at all costs. A focus on the use of precaution measures, as well as the use of the available services that help get rid of pests, should be viewed as the essential means of preventing the instances of infestations. Furthermore, it is required to make sure that all openings leading to food and similar resources are sealed; thus, further contamination of the products can be prevented successfully.

Taking precaution measures when addressing the possibility of cockroach infestation is crucial since even in case the problem takes place, its scale is going to be significantly lower. Furthermore, it is imperative to reduce the chances of infestation because of the resistance to antibiotics that the diseases carried by the insects have developed. Thus,

Health Issues Caused by Cockroaches

Allergies and asthma are typically viewed as the health issues that cockroach infestation may trigger. However, apart from the identified problems, dysentery can be viewed as a possible threat to which cockroach infestation may lead. Indeed, a recent study carried out to investigate the effects that cockroach infestations have on people has shown that Shigella dysenteriae bacteria can exist in the stomach of a cockroach for several days, thus, making it potentially dangerous for people (Kassiri, Kasiri, & Quaderi, 2014).

Furthermore, Salmonella typhi is among the diseases that are typically spread by cockroaches. Unlike Shigella dysenteriae, which is only active for several days in the identified insects, Salmonella typhi exists for several months as dormant bacteria that can be transferred to the people living in the vicinity within a relatively short amount of time. Causing typhoid fever and having a comparatively long incubation period, the bacteria is extremely dangerous. Therefore, it is crucial that preventive measures should be taken to avoid its development. Particularly, proper hygiene and the use of the available infestation management services must be viewed as the priority when developing a strategy against the disease (Kassiri et al., 2014).

Finally, diarrhea must be listed among the problems caused by cockroaches. The Cryptosporidium parvum bacteria, which causes the identified health disorder, is carried by a range of cockroach species. In the case of diarrhea, histopathological changes occur within a comparatively short amount of time, which allows detecting the problem at the earliest stages of its development and managing it accordingly. Nevertheless, the consequences tend to be severe, which means that cockroach infestations must be addressed properly to avoid drastic health outcomes (Majumdar, Amir, Gupta, & Yasmeen, 2016).


Kassiri, H., Kasiri, A., & Quaderi, A. (2014). Detection and prevalence rate of American Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) bacterial infections in human dwellings. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 9(4), e18737.

Majumdar, Y., Amir, M., Gupta, R., & Yasmeen, S. (2016). Histopathological effect of deltamethrin on the midgut of American cockroach, Periplaneta americana (Linn.) (Dictyoptera: Blattidae). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 4(5), 13-16.

Pesquero, M. A., & Carneiro, L. C. (2012). Insect/bacteria association and nosocomial infection. InTech, 1(1), 449-469.

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