Code of Business Ethics and Its Main Provisions

The Code of Ethics combines the most important values, principles, standards of behavior, and ethical norms that form the corporate image on a global level. In order for the successful international development of a corporation, I would suggest the following three provisions prior to the code of ethics. Employees of the company must respect the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution to everyone independent of race and article (Hill & Hult, 2020, 128). This is an essential clause for a multinational organization to ensure non-discriminatory treatment of customers and co-workers.

The company guarantees safe operations without harmful effects on the environment (Hill & Hult, 2020, 130). In addition to providing rights and guarantees to employees, it is crucial for the image of a global business to maintain an environmentally clean planet. For this purpose, the corporate will establish special waste management and recycling programs.

The third provision is to ensure respect for intellectual property rules (Hill & Hult, 2020, 46). That is, only compliance with intellectual property laws will allow businesses to operate fairly in the marketplace. Meanwhile, partners will be assured that they deal with a company that cares about its reputation and minimizes any risks.

The proposed provisions for a code of business ethics are essential to successful business operations in the United States and internationally. Therefore, they should be followed equally in all states in the conduct of commercial activities. This can be justified by the fact that consistent compliance with the rules will form a positive image of the company independent of where it operates. That is because respect for people’s rights and freedoms, environmental protection, and compliance with intellectual property laws are fundamental rules throughout the international community.


Hill, C., & Hult, G. T. (2020). Global business today. McGraw-Hill Education.

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