Code of Ethics in Medical Practice

The code of ethics, which regulates the relations between clinical nurses and general practitioners, can be correlated with Peter Drucker’s theory of management. Specifically, according to the author of the insightful book about entrepreneurship, the structure, and effectiveness of working processes are damaged by the general practice of subordinate-directed relations between the workers. Thus, Peter Drucker claims that successful outcomes of work procedures are stipulated by the bonds of equality and knowledge-related ideals. The management leaders handle creating a friendly environment within particular organizations so that to ensure that no employee feels controlled or monitored by their bosses but rather guided and assisted (Balmer & Powell, 2011).

The idea may be applied to the principles of relations between clinical employees. Mainly, it is acknowledged that the connections between nurses, general practitioners, and customers as well as stakeholders and the community at large predetermine the overall success of treatment. Moreover, the trustful bonds between the participants of clinical practices contribute to the grounding of a high-quality code of ethics. Consequently, it is critical to instruct both the future nurses and practitioners on the goals of the medical procedures, which correlate with the three-level structure of the employment code of ethical behavior. According to them, the values of interpersonal, intercommunion, and global well-being are maintained.


Balmer, J., & Powell, S. (2011). Corporate marketing myopia and the inexorable rise of a corporate marketing logic: Perspectives from identity-based views of the firm. European Journal of Marketing, 45(9), 1329-1352.

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