Coffee Machines Under Product Comparison

Literature Review

Among the industries, the household appliances sector was chosen, which is represented by a large number of home items. Coffee makers are the focus of this presentation because the demand for automatic coffee machines has been actively growing in recent years. From 2020 to 2026, the average annual revenue growth in this sector will be 4.56%. This trend is partly due to the gradual reorientation of consumers from street coffee shops to home/office coffee. For many people, the use of a home device is much more convenient since it takes less time and does not require a visit to public institutions. The increased demand for coffee machines may be due to the development of a society’s environmental consciousness. Finally, technological advances have reached incredible heights and added WiFi, Bluetooth, built-in scheduling, choice of reheat temperature, and even coffee break size to coffeemakers’ functionality.

Summary Reviews

While in some points one of the products clearly leads, in others, it can lose to a competitor.


2.75/5. Positives: the compactness of the device, the programmable setting, availability of a timer, the speed of the beverage creation, and the drip mechanism quietness. Negatives: the fragility of components.

Brentwood Appliances

3.2/5. Customers praise the automatic shutoff and the small size of the coffee machine but criticize the lack of light indication, manufacturing defects, slowness, and low bowl capacity.


3.4/ 5. Many customers noted the convenient size of the product and affordable price but showed dissatisfaction with the strength of coffee and modest capacity.

Holstein Housewares

2.3/ 5. Complaints referred to the coffee grounds filter’s uncomfortable shape, constant water leaks, and the lack of automatic shutoff. The compact size and the color scheme appealed to customers.

Strengths and Weaknesses


PoD: a chart volume of 96 fl. Oz (2.84 L); PoP: silent mode, speed. Weaknesses: high-power consumption, relatively large weight (about 2.5 kg), the lack of additional functions.

Brentwood Appliances

PoD/ PoP: small size, lightweight, power consumption, capacity.

Weaknesses: cheap plastic materials, leaks.


PoP: functionality, speed, product quality. PoD: equipment, low weight. Weaknesses: short warranty period, fragility.

Holstein Housewares

PoD: power consumption. PoP: Built-in functionality and small size. Weaknesses: low bowl capacity and cheap materials.


The map clearly shows that the leader on two points is the product brand BLACK+DECKER, having the highest price and comparably high quality. Holstein Housewares, PREMIUM, and Brentwood Appliances come second, third, and fourth on the price axis). According to their arrangement, it can be concluded that the most significant compromise of quality and price offer is characteristic of PREMIUM. At the same time, having the second-highest price in the series, Holstein Housewares provides the lowest quality products, which can be found by a large number of negative reviews. Thus, in the line under review, this coffee machine can be considered as the losings option. Brentwood Appliances’ products have the lowest price point, but in terms of material quality, this did not mean a wrong product.

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