Communication Systems for the Mobile Information Society


This paper aims at discussing the possible mobile technologies that can be used to scale the network at hand. It is a fact that the network in question already exists and what is required is to design or model how it will be integrated using wireless mobile networks. Scalability is a key factor in any network design because it determines the possibility of the designed network to be upgraded in future without inconveniencing the design.

A scalable network means that the network can be upgraded without making too much interference to it. Wireless networks refers to interconnection of computers and other electronic devices with a media that is wireless, This means that the interconnection between the nodes is implemented with a media that is not physical as opposed to wired media such as twisted pair. To be specific the media used is known as electromagnetic waves. Wireless WAN is the most preferred type of wireless connection (Kahneman, 1982). This is because its signal covers a wide area and is suitable for linking remote areas.

The emerging of wireless mobile network brought about greater changes to the world of networking. This is because it’s now possible to connect to a network with a mobile device.One no longer needs to be in a fixed location to connect to the network. This type of network is also inexpensive to install and takes much lesser time as opposed to wired network. It is also the most preferred and easy to install type of network in remote and developing locations.


The available wireless mobile networks are Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Personal Communication Service (PCS).The hypothesis is that GSM will be the wireless mobile network of choice for this organization because of the reasons that I will give here. It s important to first of all give small description of what these technologies are before deciding which one is appropriate.GSM is made up of three systems which are the base station, support and operation system and finally the switching system (Viswanath, 2005).

The device that needs to connect to the network must first connect to the base station then to operation and finally to the switching system. On the other hand PCS is becoming obsolete in the market. It is a kind of radio that can be used to connect to an electronic device.

When designing this network, a scientific method is necessary so that the designer can come up with a precise design. The scientific method to be used here is Monte Carlo method. It will assist to prove that the model is going to work under a variety of situations and hence avoid a situation where we design a network that will not be functional. What is needed to be considered is the number of users, the services that the users want from the network and also their location. The reason why we use this method is to generate the users and also their state. There are cases which may prompt the designer to put the network design in an optimizing process. This is when the result of the network is not satisfactory.

To test the network, we need first of all to have set the bench mark which we must compare and find out if the network will fulfill or whether it will meet all the requirements or specifications. It will be good not to use radio propagation which is abstract but rather use measurements which are of real network. This is to guarantee accuracy in situations which are complex. The models are then subjected to predict deferring, packet delivery and the probability of the collision in the network.

It is also important to take note of the fact that computer data is very vulnerable if it is accessed by unauthorized people. It is therefore important to ensure emails are fully protected and also each and every user should have username and password to authenticate them before they are logged into the system. Security should maintained using Wired Equivalent Privacy because they assist in preventing intruders from entering inside a private network. Wi-Fi Protected Access is another system that can be used to implement security in wireless network systems.


The potential wireless network solution for this network is GSM given the fact that there are remote sales data that need to be accessed all over the world and this the most appropriate way given that it is cheaper and the PCS is getting outdated.


Kahneman, D. (1982) Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Viswanath, P. (2005) Fundamentals of Wireless Communication; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

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