Communication With Stakeholders

Establishing fruitful relationships with stakeholders is critical in every field and, specifically, criminal justice. Naturally, the best way to achieve a meaningful association is through effective communication. In fact, it is crucial to consider many key elements, including the message framing, style of conversing, and tone of voice. Overall, communication is critical to avoiding failures in projects that often happen because of misunderstandings or arguments.

To begin with, a compelling message to stakeholders is inevitable in establishing and deciding on the plan for a project. That is why the tone of the notice must be confident and descriptive in a way that does not include any extra information (Oh & Ki, 2019). The data that is not pertinent to the purpose of the statement has to be omitted so that the recipient’s focus does not falter when reading the message (Francisco de Oliveira & Rabechini Jr, 2019). It is critical to ensure that stakeholders have a clear understanding and view of the project.

Furthermore, the message should clearly cover all the crucial points of the project. In other words, to avoid any misunderstanding, everyone’s responsibilities have to be communicated beforehand. In fact, it is better to interact abundantly than assume that stakeholders have enough knowledge to resume without any clarifications (Galli, 2019). Besides, the message should not be untruthful and include information that does not correctly express the capacity of a team and everyone’s abilities to complete the project successfully (Galli, 2019). Such communication can lead to misunderstanding and unreliable relationships with stakeholders.

To sum up, communication with stakeholders is of utmost importance for any project since it helps establish the plan and responsibilities of both parties. That is why the message has to be strong and convey truthful information that can show how the team can be of benefit in the successful completion of the project. Furthermore, every part of the plan has to be communicated and clarified in case of any misunderstandings.


Francisco de Oliveira, G., & Rabechini Jr, R. (2019). Stakeholder management influence on trust in a project: A quantitative study. International Journal of Project Management, 37(1), 131–144. Web.

Galli, B. J. (2019). Barriers to Effective Communication and Stakeholder Management in Project Environments and How to Overcome These Barriers. International Journal of Applied Logistics, 9(2), 39–57. Web.

Oh, J., & Ki, E. J. (2019). Factors affecting social presence and word-of-mouth in corporate social responsibility communication: Tone of voice, message framing, and online medium type. Public Relations Review, 45(2), 319–331. Web.

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