The Boeing Company’s Strategic Objectives

In creating an operational plan, one of the essential components is the resolution of operational objectives. They are necessary because they provide companies with a more precise and more accurate vision of what outcomes they can achieve. Moreover, strategic goals contribute to the definition of tools and steps that should be implemented in the company’s operating plan. To create the most productive and efficient objects, it is necessary to define methods for measuring them. Thus, statistical and observational methods are the most effective. This work aims to determine the strategic objectives of the Boeing company operational plan with the reduction of measurable outcomes that will be expected from their implementation.

Strategic Objectives

Sustainable Manufacturing

Currently, one of the most important goals for any company engaged in large-scale production is to take care of the environment. Thus, the inclusion of sustainability in the operational plan is of particular value for establishing internal factors and gaining an advantage over competitors (Raj & Srivastava, 2018). This is explained by the fact that this policy will help reduce the degree of negative impact on the environment while disseminating knowledge about the observance of green values will assist in attracting stakeholders. Moreover, it can allow gaining a good reputation among consumers and investors.

Leading the Market

Increasing competitiveness is an equally important objective for Boeing. There are quite a large number of manufacturers in the aircraft manufacturing market, which determines the need to find ways to improve the quality and efficiency of work.

Diverse Workplace

Human resources are of great importance in the development of the company’s operational plan. This strategic objective can significantly affect how a company functions and responds to internal and external changes (Roberson, 2019). Therefore, managers need to create a recruitment plan to attract the most diverse and talented specialists.

Conducting a Research

The last strategic objective is conducting research in the field of aircraft manufacturing. This aspect can contribute to gaining knowledge about the problems and trends that occur in the market. Moreover, the company will thereby obtain knowledge about innovative technologies that can be used by it.

Measurable Outcomes

After setting strategic goals, the company’s managers must determine the expected measurable outcomes. Thus, one of them for Boeing may be to achieve a 10 percent reduction in carbon emissions by the end of the year. The achievement of this goal can also provide an opportunity to gain leadership in the aircraft manufacturing market. The second measurable outcome is a 50 percent increase in workplace diversity. This can also be reached by conducting research on which methods will help to find the most valuable employees.

Management Functions

To ensure the fulfillment of all strategic objectives, management functions are of particular importance. Therefore, in order to maintain the effectiveness of the operational plan, the company must carry out a detailed activity planning process. It should include not only the statement of expected results but also risks and ways to solve them. In addition, organizing and controlling have critical value. They will also help ensure that the campaign and managers adhere to the created plan. Ultimately, it is necessary to establish the staffing process, which will allow regulating the work of the staff, and leading, which will provide motivation to perform the tasks assigned to employees.


Raj, A., & Srivastava, S. K. (2018). Sustainability performance assessment of an aircraft manufacturing firm. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(5), 1500-1527. Web.

Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69-88. Web.

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