Community Assessment: Public Health

A windshield survey is a useful tool for evaluating the situation regarding various societal issues and corresponding trends. It implies systematic observations conducted by professionals from a moving vehicle (“Windshield and walking surveys,” 2019). Their principal objective is to understand the specificities of life in a certain setting for further elimination of the people’s problems (“Windshield and walking surveys,” 2019). It is especially essential for large communities, which cannot be efficiently considered in any other way due to their extended territory.

Also, there are particular problems, which are solved better with the help of this approach. They include the levels of poverty, infrastructure needs such as the possible poor conditions of roads and bridges, the patterns of activity of inhabitants at different times of the day or night, and many others (“Windshield and walking surveys,” 2019). Moreover, the specialists can thereby increase the objectivity of their perspectives, realign the implemented initiatives in correspondence with the actual requirements, and compare different parts of cities in terms of the suitability of adopted measures to the current situations.

Conducting community assessments such as the one presented above is a vital task for public health officials. The information received with the help of the specified method helps them develop new programs for the elimination of identified challenges and learn more about their effects (“Windshield and walking surveys,” 2019). In this way, such practices can be considered as the grounds for evidence-based studies and cover the theoretical aspects, which are necessary for increasing the productiveness of the authorities’ operations. Thus, the outcomes received through the windshield surveys contribute to the improvements in terms of precision of other community assessment methods and thereby positively affect the well-being of the population as a whole.


Windshield and walking surveys. (2019). Community Tool Box. Web.

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