Community Systems, Decision Support, and Public Health Assignment

CDS (Clinical Decision Support) is a laid out structure that facilitates the provision of effective assistance during the process of launching insurance claims by either the patients, doctors, or other health care practitioners. It is equipped with the capability to significantly influence the advancements in safety, quality, efficacy, and productivity of the health care facilities (Tolley et al., 2018). Conversely, HIE (Health Information Exchange) encompasses the electronic transmission and exchange of information entailing health amongst the nurses, physicians, and other personnel in the health care field.

The embracing of HIE and CDS nationally depends entirely on their multidimensional progression. In spite of the CDS focus being centered on quality, there is a need for enhancements in its scope. To bridge the gap, it liaises with the healthcare amenities to determine diagnostic standards. The move also fortifies the channel of addressing the wellbeing queries of patients; the cases of the resolved queries are approved as per the diagnostic principles.

In endeavoring quality, the CDS ensures that it cross-examines the diagnosis done by physicians. In the event that the diagnosis fails to satisfy all the guidelines outlined by the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), CDS raises concerns in favor of the patient. Consequently, the physician is required to administer the appropriate diagnosis and discharge medications. The follow-up ensures proper reimbursement by the amenities and upholding of the CMS standards. The process also obliges the facilities to acquire appropriate support in clinical documentation to substantiate the characteristic codes.

From the preceding, it is evident that the alignment favors the adoption of the CDS. This is demonstrated by the CDS involvement in enforcing the CMS rules amongst all health professionals while discharging their duties. Consequently, the patients are appropriately diagnosed and are accorded quality services. However, the significant adoption of the CDS requires improved documentation of the diagnostic standards in line with Health Information Management.


Tolley, C., Slight, S., Husband, A., Watson, N., & Bates, D. (2018). Improving medication-related clinical decision support. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 75(4), 239-246. Web.

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