Conclusions in Academic Research

Any analysis’s endings are often difficult when an individual does not know how to write the finality. When writing about research, the whole ideology is mumbled through a set of analyses that combines the outlook of other authors and the findings of our spectrum. When it comes to setting the solutions to the findings, we sometimes fail to note the basics that set the pace of concluding sentiment (Stumm, p.294). At times, an analyst might know that their concluding sentiments are not satisfying, but then they need to meet their project’s deadline. Therefore, they resort to making a shady ending while the research is authentic. For example, when an author has written their research, they realize time is not on their side. They tend to speed up their conclusion to meet their deadline. Most of the time, such conclusions lack the basis of a good research analogy.

A conclusion should look like we have arrived at the destination. It entails evaluating the whole trip of ideologies and getting the core objective of the research (Stumm, p.294). For instance, when someone travels from a place such as Bulgaria to the US. When they reach their destination and are asked about the whole trip, they must reflect on the crucial instances of the trip and deduce a conclusive reaction to it. Reactions and evaluations are critical parts when discussing the conclusion. When individuals write a good conclusion, they must ensure they have the right reactions to their findings. When friends travel on a road trip, they must evaluate the trip and find its weaknesses or strengths and work towards making the whole trip a success. If they find a road full of traffic congestion, they must figure out how to evade the congestion once they take the return trip.

The interactions of the author and the reader must have a conclusive ideology, and if the conclusion is not what the reader expected, then they must be convinced that it is the best thing to have based on the findings (Stumm, p.294). The mental route must convince the reader that the conclusion is a valuable reminder that is simple recapitulation. When a reader goes through the research, their questions must be answered in the conclusive section. A researcher ought to know the basic question that the reader has when going through their work. These questions are: What now? What should we do? How relevant are the findings? And why is it fundamental to do the research?

The point of conclusion has a minimum threshold of ensuring the application and future direction of the research is followed. If the conclusion is not followed, the researcher should point out the repercussion (Stumm, p. 294). For instance, when students read for their exams, they are prone to pass with distinction. When they do not take their studies seriously, they might be discontinued or graduate with low grades. In the conclusion part, the low grades make it harder for them to secure a good job. The basic analogy is that an eloquent conclusion can justify the findings of the research. The obligations contained in the writings are obligations that will seem hanged when the conclusion is missing. According to Stumm, chapter 13 aims at ensuring people know how to “end well” and their skills seem relevant (p.294). Three basic components must guide someone who finds it hard to write a conclusion. These are; the ability to step back and look at the big picture of the research discussion, the ability to look forwards and find the future of the research and discussion of the topic, and the ability to recognize moral imperative that the work raises for the community. The conclusion should not have repetitive statements towards getting the significance of the work.

The Big Picture

Focusing on the big picture is the first characteristic of an academic conclusion. Conclusion entails doing deep skive research while considering the big picture and overall contribution of the research topic. To get the bigger picture, it is fundamental for the author to ensure that they remind the readers about the original claim. The remainder is done in a succinct summary because the reader already knows the essay’s stance (Stumm, p. 295). The researcher can use inclusive plurality in the conclusive statement such as “we” or “us.” The significance of the claim involves thought and action (Stumm, p.296). Therefore, when a researcher summarizes their work in the conclusion, it lacks ontological thought, and the essay becomes null. The research needs to be significant to have an intellectual gain. When writing the conclusion, it is ideal for the researcher to know the basics of the argument.

Future Orientation

The forward focus is an aspect of academic conclusion that enables the researcher to consider future directions. The ideas of future directions should recognize relevant researches that bring an understanding of the current topic. For example, suppose the research is about future automobile technologies. In that case, the researcher should relate the conclusion with some advanced technologies and how long it requires to revolutionize. The research should create a desire to investigate further. The art of creating more desire creates room for other researchers to read the current research and better it based on their understanding of the topic. Eloquent research proposes a specific limitation and skewed results of the study. We should consider questions such as “Now what?” or “What next?” to enable future scholars to respond to readers on further research.

Moral Orientation

Research has the spectrum of stepping back and looking forward to having a moral turn of conclusion. The responsibilities and obligations arise when the concerns result from ideas of moral focus (Stumm, p.302). Moral orientation concentrates on the ethical framework of the topic of discussion. The researcher needs to know the basis of their research, and if it has lessons that can unlock other findings, they can go ahead with writing it. It is through the lessons that the conclusion will have meaning. Moral orientation is more like a response that the research-attested knowledge provides optimal caution. For instance, when the research is about telehealth and its application at the organizational level. The researcher needs to revolve around its effectiveness and modes of making its limitations limited. The research conclusion must have moral ethics of the telehealth advancements and create an open discussion for other researchers to analyze.

Conclusions across the Disciplines

Conclusions are meant to show the reader big pictures and general ideas. The ideas can be implications of the research or the applications. It is through the conclusive sentiments that the research can propose future directions of the research. Equally, the conclusion must have the moral perspective of the research for it to suggest responsible actions. To some researchers, conclusions can be a wrap-up of the research, but to others, it can be a link to other new openings. The reader and the researchers must have a common understanding in the conclusive part of the research (Stumm, p.305). For example, when the research is about cancer management, the conclusive part must contain the final findings of its stages and how the patients can care for themselves. The research cannot be conclusive because the reader can find insights in the research and use it as a point of reference when doing their research.

The closing statement should end with an implication that was the core identity of the research topic. An empirical paper must provide practice recommendations or suggest a direction for further researches. The scope of the investigation should note future topics and limit its generalization schemes. For instance, if the research is about lifelong studies in the nursing sector. The research should not be conclusive in a manner that overrules any further researches. It should pre-amble down its conclusive clauses and pose a direction that is deemed fit for further studies. The tactics of crafting a definitive conclusion can differentiate the paper from having weak tips and create biasness for further studies. If the research had a research statement, then the conclusive part must have a narrowed focus that is rephrased to give the reader a clear direction of the author’s complement.

It is fundamental for the thesis statement to have a conclusive direction. It is the direction given by the author that enables the reader to connect their ideology with that of the researcher. Thesis statements are a great concern throughout the research because it forms the basis of the statement, finding, and the vector visualization contained in a research.

Work Cited

Stumm, B. (2021). Joining the dialogue: Practices for Ethical Research Writing. Broadview Press.

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