The aspects of biology conservation, and preservation of the biodiversity on the planet are becoming increasingly important for the humanity. Originally, there are numerous ways of coping with this problem, and this paper is aimed at analyzing the results of a survey, which was offered to random people. The questionnaire included questions mainly on the aspects of preserving the bio diversity of Louisiana and national parks of the USA. People were asked on the matters of protection of the wildlife, and how they are ready to promote this process. In general, the survey is aimed at analyzing the opinions of various people on the matters of biodiversity protection and the values of biology conservation. It will be able to provide the solid basis for the further sociological research on the issue of readiness of the people to sacrifice some commodities for preserving the flora and fauna of the particular regions. Originally, it should be emphasized that the traditional aspects of biodiversity preservation are closely associated with the human activity within every particular region, consequently, this study is of extreme importance for the ecological studies and for defining the key aspects of biodiversity preservations, which may be implemented immediately, with the assistance of people, who are interested in ecology. Thus, the relevance and importance of the collected information will be helpful for the ecological communities and traditional aspects of biological conservation, associated with the necessity to implement the particular measures for keeping the biodiversity on the existing level.
Originally, surveys are required for the ecological studies in order to define the possible public maintenance of the ecological protection measures and the awareness of the community on the matters of biodiversity protection. The real value of such surveys is expressed by the fact that bio conservation of the surrounding nature requires the common efforts, as whereas some people are ignorant, and the others does not wish to sacrifice their interests for the conservation of the natural treasures, the efforts by the restricted groups of people and alliances will not be helpful. As for the matters of theoretical background of the surveys, and bio protection the statement by Peterson and Peterson (1243) should be emphasized:
Extinction rates are measured in a variety of ways. Conservation biologists measure and apply statistical measures of rates of habitat loss, and a multitude of other variables such as loss of biodiversity as a function of the rate of habitat loss and site occupancy to obtain such estimates. The Theory of Island Biogeography is possibly the most significant contribution toward the scientific understanding of both the process and how to measure the rate of species extinction. The current background extinction rate is estimated to be one species every few years.
In the light of this statement, it should be emphasized that surveys are also required for emphasizing the importance of bio protection, and theoretical background provides the solid basis for explaining this importance.
Materials and Methods
The questionnaire is designed for defining several aspects of bio diversity protection and the awareness of the inhabitants on the matters of biodiversity, and the ways of protection the existing environmental diversity and preservation of the rare species from the complete disappearing from the biological maps of the region. Additionally, the readiness of the people in protecting the existing bio diversity was estimated, as some people do not wish to know haw it may be protected, and are absolutely ignorant on the means of protection and the dramatic statistics of flora and fauna disappearing. The questions were developed basing on the experience of previous researches and studies, aimed at researching the aspects of biodiversity in other regions of the world. Thus, as it had been previously discovered that numerous people are not worried with the ecological aspects of biodiversity, it was decided that inhabitants of Louisiana should be informed on the means and tools of bio diversity protection. Moreover, the real values of the survey are explained by the factor of conservation planning, as considering all the ecological strategies of bio conservation, the proper planning of the entire process is required for the proper implementation of the selected means. Thus, as it is stated by Pullin and Knight (1990):
Systematic conservation planning is an effective way to seek and identify efficient and effective types of reserve design to capture or sustain the highest priority biodiversity values and to work with communities in support of local ecosystems. Margules and Pressey identify six interlinked stages in the systematic planning approach, which are aimed at creating the precise outline of bio diversity protection measures.
The detailed description of these stages is the following:
- Gather the required information on biodiversity within the region
- Define and state the aims of conservation
- Define the regions where conservation should be performed
- Define additional areas
- Plan and implement the preservation strategy
- Maintain the further efforts on preservation the biodiversity.
Thus, it should be emphasized that these six stages were considered during the creation of the survey and designing the required questionnaire.
The results of the survey may be originally divided into three parts:
- The activity of the citizens in the environmental protection movements
- Readiness of the people to participate in measures, aimed at preserving the existing biodiversity
- Awareness of the people on the matters of environmental protection and ecology in general
Two Additional aspects are:
- Bio conservation policy structure, which may be outlined basing on the results of the survey and
- Current situation of the bio diversity in Louisiana state
Considering the existing aspects of the environmental protection and the values of preserving the existing biodiversity may be evaluated in accordance with the joined results of the survey. Thus, considering the fact that few of the respondents are the participants of the World Wildlife Fund or The Nature Conservancy organizations, the entire tendency for the bio diversity protection will be close to failure, as if people are not anxious about the aspects of preserving the environment, they will be either ignorant or against the preservation means. Moreover, people will not wish to pay additional taxes for the development of the environmental protection issues. Considering the fact that, the necessity to participate in the environmental protection activities is of high importance for the ecological community of the region, the special system should be elaborated, basing on the results of the survey. Appendix A may be regarded as the universal chart for outlining the Bio Conservation processes. Thus, some people are ready to pay, whereas the others are absolutely ignorant, and do not wish to donate for the sake of biodiversity protection. Originally, this concept is clearly defined by Pullin and Knight (1991). Thus, the attitude of people towards the environmental protection measures is closely associated with the aspects of ethics:
Conservation biologists are interdisciplinary researchers that practice ethics in the biological and social sciences. It is stated that conservationists must advocate for biodiversity and can do so in an ethical manner by not promoting simultaneous advocacy against other competing values. Intrinsic value advocates that a gene, or species, be valued because they have a utility for the ecosystems they sustain. (Pullin and Knight, 1991)
In the light of this statement, it should be emphasized that conservative approaches towards environmental protection are the most effective from the ethical point of view, and the fact, that people generally do not wish to participate in environmental protection measures, defines the lack of ethical approaches in the bio conservation practices.
Additionally, it should be emphasized that the traditional aspects of bio conservation are closely associated with the matters of the activity of the population. Thus, the Green parties are often rather popular; nevertheless, they do not have the influencing majority in governments. The policy structure, which is generally implemented by these organizations is outlined in Appendix C. This structure outlines the informational and process hierarchy of information flow, and reallocation of the policies.
Considering the importance of the scientific approaches and the values of biodiversity protection flows, it should be emphasized that biodiversity protection is the system, which incorporates several closely linked and mutually dependent aspects. Appendix D clearly defines the relations between scientific approaches and aspects of the biodiversity protection, and clarifies all the necessary links and flows of the bio conservation processes. Considering the results of the survey, people do not know even the basic aspects of bio conservation, let alone the process flow. Thus, the further research should consider this gap.
Another aspect, which should be discussed, is the most crucial from the perspective of biodiversity conservation. Appendix B represents the pie-chart of the biodiversity in Louisiana State. This char may be used as the starting point for defining the aims and goals of the bio conservation practices. In the light of this statement it should be emphasized that some people even do not have an opportunity to enjoy the wildlife, and visit a National Park. Thus, in accordance with the chart E, which represents the results of the survey, up to 10% of the people have never been to a wildlife refuge. The main part (32%) had been there within the latest year. Thus, this is the potential audience, which should be targeted by the advertisement programs.
In the light of the fact that the necessity to promote the educational means and attract the attention of the community towards the problems of the bio diversity conservation is rather high, it should be emphasized that the awareness of the community on the aspects of the environmental protection requires deeper study. The offered questionnaire offers the basic representation on the matters of awareness and participation of the citizens in the processes of bio conservation, nevertheless, in order to encourage people to participate in planting cypresses, participating in nature protection, lobbying the stricter fishing and hunting restrictions and regulations, the origins of negligence and ignorance should be studied deeper. Nevertheless, in accordance with the survey, there is no necessity to make the laws stricter, as the majority of the respondents consider them appropriate (Appendix F). Thus, the questions related with the participation of the respondents in nature protection communities, should be extended for understanding the motivation and willingness of the people to participate. As for those who are not members, it will be useful to define, what should make them enter such organizations. Thus, the system of priorities should be implemented, for people could really evaluate the necessity to participate in environmental protection activities. In accordance with Sauer, Fallon and Johnson (375), the importance of system of priorities is closely associated with the motivation of people, moreover, the directions and preferences will be strictly outlined:
Those arguing in favor of setting priorities for cold spot points out that there are other measures to consider beyond biodiversity. They point out that emphasizing hotspots downplays the importance of the social and ecological connections to vast areas of the Earth’s ecosystems where biomass, not biodiversity, reigns supreme. It is estimated that 36% of the Earth’s surface, encompassing 38.9% of the worlds vertebrates, lacks the endemic species to qualify as biodiversity hotspot.
Consequently, the traditions and aspects of the biodiversity protection should be essentially structured, and classified in accordance with the preferences and aims of the bio conservation process. Nevertheless, the values of the traditional approaches towards conservation should not be neglected, as advertisement, agitation, and promo actions, aimed at increasing the motivation level of the Louisiana community.
Additionally, the fact that people do not know the basics of the environmental protection, and are not aware of the issues of the legislation within the sphere of bio diversity protection and restrictions of fishing and hunting. Some people consider them too strict, nevertheless, if the rare species are still disappearing, it means that the legislation is too lenient. The fact is that, the necessity to consider the aspects of legislative system is the task of the highest priority, as laws may be regarded as the most powerful lever for influencing the entire aspect of bio diversity protection within the region. Additionally, some related aspects of legislative regulation should be regarded. In accordance with Sauer, Fallon and Johnson (380) the following aspect should be emphasized:
Regulating net household proliferation does ultimately end in questions about rights, but not inalienable rights. For example, in both Western Europe and the United States, the rule of law protects private property, but, when necessary to provide a public use, allows environmental statutes and regulations that remove rights associated with ownership.
From the perspective of this statement, the property laws may be changed in order to make the environmental protection more effective. Nevertheless, in accordance with the results of the survey, this aspect of bio diversity protection should not be regarded as a crucial one, as the necessity to change the legislation strongly depends on the awareness of the people, and their activity in the processes of environmental protection.
The format of the questions, used in the survey was closed, nevertheless, some of them presuppose quite open answers, and the necessity to use the close format is closely associated with the necessity to make people aware on the matters of environmental protections, and the means of improving the entire system. The discussion of the question format strongly depends on the real necessities and requirements of the study. Thus, it should be emphasized that the format of the offered survey is defined by the strong necessity to give the variants of answers, as people do not know the species, which should be protected, they are not aware of the possible means, which may be arranged, and they do not wish to discuss the aspects, which are closely related with the environmental protection.
The economic aspects, which are generally placed after the legislation in accordance with the influence rate, should also be discussed more seriously. Thus, in accordance with Sauer, Fallon and Johnson (379), the necessity to consider the values of economic regulation of the environmental protection depends on the activity of the community, and the width of the advertising campaign.
Finally, it should be emphasized that the traditional approaches towards the conservation of biodiversity have not been touched upon in the survey. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that the respondents did not have an opportunity to be insincere, as the questionnaire was composed in order to minimize the insincerity level and make the results of the survey more valuable for the environmental protection strategy. In spite of the fact that some aspects were not considered in the survey, the main aim of the questionnaire was achieved. Thus, it should be emphasized that the values of the traditional approaches towards surveys are closely linked with the simplicity and comfort for respondents. Thus, they were liberated from the necessity to consider the complex aspects of the environmental protection, and had an opportunity to select the most suitable answer from several variants, thus, emphasizing their interest or readiness for participating in bio diversity conservation processes.
Appendix A. Biodiversity Conservation as a Component of the Environmental Protection
Appendix B. The biodiversity in Louisiana State

Appendix C. Biodiversity conservation policy structure
Appendix D. Scientific Approach towards Biodiversity Protection
Appendix E. When was the last time you visited a protected natural area, such as a State or National Park or Forest, or a Wildlife Refuge

Appendix F. Are hunting and fishing regulation limits in Louisiana

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