Contemporary Critical Theory: Definition and Usage


Contemporary Critical Theory consists of many different aspects that have been developing through generations. The origin of this theory occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century between World War I and World War II (Bronner, 2017). Contemporary Critical Theory is a part of a philosophical approach that includes ethics, historical and political philosophy, and social sciences. Every theorist insists on different concepts of this idea, and some people believe that it does not have a clear definition. Consequently, while one group of people thinks that each part of the theory is connected, another group considers every branch is separated, and together they might conflict.

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On the one hand, Critical reflections are an integral part of human life, and every day people face problems that require critical thinking. A coherent procedure of the Contemporary Critical Theory should follow three main criteria and be explanatory, practical, and normative (How, 2017). Contemporary Critical Thinking usually includes such aspects as feminist movements and gender equality, which are related to each person and require wise and logical critical conclusions.

On the other hand, Critical Theory is an alternative type of political or social philosophical theory with specific aspects like critical thinking of all surrounding things, which makes a connection with other branches conflicting. For example, there is a tension between the theoretical and practical basis of one of the types of Contemporary Critical Theory called Comprehensive Social Theory. Critical analyses in many spheres play a superficial role, but when the practical part takes place, critical theory components might conflict.

Every philosopher or an ordinary person defines Contemporary Critical Theory in different ways. Some people believe that all theory parts work together in a big scheme, but others believe that some components might conflict in practice. In my opinion, the Contemporary Critical Theory combines all procedures in one system and supports all parts of the idea at every stage of its existence. If the theory is structured right and has explanatory, practical, and normative content, as How (2017) stated, it will bring positive effects when all its features work together. Moreover, it can decrease negativities during decision-making.

I often encounter the Contemporary Critical Theory at work and understand that many newbies may have undesirable emotions about this idea during practical application. According to Callaghan (2016), many people see a superficial role of the Critical Theory, which might be unclear at first sight but struggle to understand how it works in more depth. I can agree with this idea because when I first encountered this topic, everything was incomprehensible to me, and I did not plan to use this theory in my work. However, by analyzing this topic deeper, the theory becomes coherent and more holistic. Moreover, the Contemporary Critical Theory allows for making more critical and deliberate decisions in a short period of time with a high probability of success.


To conclude everything that has been stated so far, over the long existence of the Critical Theory, philosophers carefully study its influence on various spheres of life. Many assumptions about this theory cause different opinions in society. Some people believe that the idea has a complex effect on other areas of life, and some think that it, on the contrary, causes conflict situations. Until the influence of the theory is proven, everyone has the right to define the idea in their way and follow what is true for them.


Callaghan, C. W. (2016). Critical theory and contemporary paradigm differentiation. Acta Commercii, 16(2).

Bronner, S.E. (2017). Critical Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.

How, A. (2017). Critical Theory. Palgrave MacMillan.

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