Controversies between Religion and Science


In recent decades, religious leaders and scientists have debated the theory of evolution by natural selection. A controversy between religion and science becomes possible if science is a rival of belief in some realm. This presupposes that there is a dimension in which both of them have a common problem area. One major controversy is between the doctrine of God as the creator of the universe and the evolutionary theory of human origins.

Religion and science represent an incompatible way of viewing the world. Both science and religion have opposing methods for discerning the truth. Science uses tools such as observing nature and testing hypotheses to find the truth about the universe. Religion justifies facts using scripture or faith, whereas science uses empirical scientific methods (Schloss). The question of validity is central for both religion and science, but the controversies rest on the methodology they use to decide what is true and the outcome of the truth. What is not disputable in current times is that science is considered to be an atheistic discipline.

Reasons for Selecting the Research Topic and The Key Questions I Hope to Answer

There has been a hot debate for centuries about the origin of the universe and theories explaining planetary activities and objects. For this reason, I was prompted to select the topic. Also, I wanted to find out the differences between science and religion. One critical question I wish to find the answer to is whether evolution is a theory or a fact? Lucky enough, I discovered that in science, faith without supporting evidence is a vice, whereas, in religion, it is a virtue that is highly upheld (Schloss). Religion makes claims about the truthful nature of the universe with reference to sacred scriptures. While science has had success in understanding the universe, using faith has led to no proof of divine for religion.

Controversies of Religion and Science Remain in Current Times

The controversy that continues to puzzle the world is the concept of evolution by natural selection that regards human beings. Religion posits God as the creator of all things in the universe. It has a belief in supernatural causation, while modern science gives fascinating knowledge on evolution. In understanding the question on evolution, religion argues that it is a theory or, in other words, inconclusive evidence. On the other hand, science has facts that confide in observation measurement and other forms of evidence (Schloss). Because of supporting evidence, science no longer questions biological evolution.

Furthermore, religion has no definitive truth about natural processes such as the causes of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. The explanations for these natural occurrences belong to Science experiments and research. It would be catastrophically to seek justification in sacred texts and religious beliefs. Additionally, science provides an account of galaxies and stars came about (Schloss). In contrast, religious revelations and teachings give a narrative of the origin of planetary objects to supernatural beings.


In conclusion, over the years, religion and science have conflicted, with various people arguing that the two concepts are incompatible. In the current world, religious denominations oppose that biological evolution has produced diverse living things over the years. These religions strictly believe in the literal interpretations of religious texts. I would say that the two are running parallel, and it is difficult to merge the two. Science is about observing and exploring possibilities, while religion is more of faith.

Work Cited

Schloss, Jeffrey. “Science and Theology.” Washington Post, 2015, Web.

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