Corporate Behavior for Business Managers: Principles and Practices


Every organization, company, manufacturer, and other businesses hire managers that play significant roles in production processes. Organizational behavior is an essential aspect of managers’ professional experience. The following paper will discuss the importance of corporate behavior for managers from various modern organizations.


In the previous decade, people who occupied positions of managers in different corporations or small companies were obliged to control the general manufacturing flow and the launch of a final product (Sasidharan 2015, p. 90). Nowadays, managers are much more responsible for their auxiliaries and diverse issues that might occur in their colleagues’ workplaces (Bakker, DeFillipi, Schwab & Sydow 2016, p. 1704). Today, personal qualities and traits of managers can influence an entire company, its customers, and their satisfaction with a particular service or product (Zhu, Qiao & Cao 2017, p. 5). Moreover, contemporary managers do not necessarily occupy high positions (of a director or president) (Sharma & Kirkman 2015, p. 203). Regular employees or assembly line workers might also be referred to as managers (Cha, Kim, Lee & Bachrach 2015, p. 1704). For instance, there is a separate factory department in Toyota City that specializes in the production of Lexus LFA. The job contracts say that every person who works at the factory department mentioned above is a manager. Every employee has his (only men work there) duties, and one’s behavior might affect other colleagues who work on the same assembly line. Therefore, a manager needs to have an understanding of organizational behavior as it might affect other people or an entire business.

Managers’ knowledge of organizational behavior is also important for interaction among employees. People who work at the same factory or other business should respect one another to maintain good relationships (Chermack, Coons, Nimon, Bradley & Glick 2015, p. 357). Managers and employees who understand each other are more productive than other workers that have some problems with their superiors or auxiliaries (Yang, Ding & Lo 2015, p. 369). Moreover, managers should be competent in resolving various problems that emerge at their workplaces (Ferreira 2017, p. 350). To eliminate such issues as misunderstandings and conflicts among colleagues, a manager needs to have at least primary knowledge of organizational behavior.

It would be proper to state that any product of an organization or a company demonstrates both work and role of its manager. Usually, when a service is not of high quality, customers blame managers for the negligence of their primary duties (Jyoti & Bhau 2015, p. 4). A person, who has good organizational behavior knowledge and demonstrates it daily, will avoid dissatisfaction on the customer’s part and should make everything to control a manufacturing/production process accurately and professionally.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

According to the first stage of Bloom’s taxonomy (knowledge), a manager has to demonstrate his or her theoretical skills in organizational behavior as this level is essential for the further development of appropriate skills (Jaros 2016, p. 245). The second level of comprehending says that a manager has to be competent in the knowledge gained previously (Barnett 2015, p. 150). Moreover, an individual should be able to paraphrase various theories and demonstrate his or her general knowledge of the subject by explaining and discussing it with other people (Kessler 2017, p. 624). Also, a manager who reached the given level of comprehending needs to be able to render primary data into another form (table, graph, and so on) (Sustrova 2016, p. 2). The following stage is the level of applying. A manager who can apply his or her organizational behavior knowledge in practice might be considered a conscious and professional leader (Kühn, Eyemann, Urbach & Schweizer 2016, p. 149). This stage also obligates a person to be able to implement the knowledge acquired previously in unordinary situations.

The next step is analyzing. A person is supposed to define separate theories in organizational behavior, identify how these statements relate to one another, and realize the primary principles of the organizational process (Lin & Chen 2015, p. 99). The synthesizing stage implies a manager to possess skills of creating and developing a new model or structure of an organizational process (Yi, Hao, Yang & Liu 2016, p. 340). In other words, one has to learn to combine usual raw materials or resources differently to improve the quality of a certain product or service (Menges 2015, p. 105). Synthesis is also implemented by professional workers to make production schedules and reorganize the infrastructure of their workplaces to make them more convenient. When a manager reaches the final stage of evaluation, he or she can control the quality of a final product and give appropriate recommendations to other people contributing to certain manufacturing or another business process.

Managers’ Additional Responsibilities

As it was mentioned above, a professional manager should resolve various problems or issues that occur in one’s workplace. However, a person who cares and is concerned about a company’s clients’ satisfaction and their references about a firm should motivate his or her colleagues to create a unique product or service (Moussa 2015, p. 8). A manager needs to have a passion for one’s job (Widmann, Messmann & Mulder 2016, p. 436). This is one of the most important aspects of organizational behavior. If an employee is forced to work by his or her superiors, the entire company is unlikely to become successful or gain extra profit (Penrose 2015, p. 503). Another important quality of a manager with a developed organizational behavior is to plan short-term and long-term goals of the team that follows one’s directions and recommendations.


Modern companies hire hundreds of managers to control and lead separate manufacturing processes at various undertakings. These people should demonstrate the comprehensive knowledge of organizational behavior as a final product or service depends on their approach to their primary responsibilities. According to Bloom’s taxonomy, a conscious manager should master the levels of knowledge, application, comprehension, analysis, and synthesis to reach the evaluation stage and become a flawless professional.

Reference List

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