Corporate Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Organizations should embrace the corporate entrepreneurship spirit to ensure they remain relevant. Corporate entrepreneurship refers to the adoption of a strategy that encourages employees to be innovative by proposing and introducing new methods of operations. The current business environment is undergoing numerous transitions and technology is being incorporated into business practices. To maintain a competitive stand and relevance in the sector, organizations must adapt a corporate spirit.

Apple Inc. is a perfect example of a company that encourages a corporate entrepreneurship strategy which has led to its success. Apple’s products have remained relevant in the market due to its continuous innovations. The brand has managed to acquire a significant percentage of the technology market. It aims at providing its customers with the highest level of technology. On the other hand, a company such as Nokia lags in the technology business due to failure to accommodate innovation. The Nokia company strategy is not flexible to accommodate the dynamic nature of technology. Despite having ventured into the technology industry earlier than Apple or Samsung, Nokia’s sales revenue is lower than the former (Ben & Hikkerova, 2021). Without a doubt, corporate entrepreneurship has numerous benefits that organizations cannot deny. Corporate entrepreneurship can be viewed as the driver to change and innovation. Through the technological innovations and embracement, it is essential to encourage corporate entrepreneurship.

Induce organizational strategy refers to the management practice whereby the staff is directed on what to do. Usually, this is a top-down approach to management that observes hierarchical divisions (Ben & Hikkerova, 2021). This method is also known as the traditional management method. Conversely, autonomous strategy is where employees act through identification and realization of their roles rather than through command. The autonomous strategy uses a bottom-up approach whereby employees are the primary drivers of new products ideas and implementation. One example of a project developed through autonomous strategic behavior is the introduction of the night courier services by FedEx. The introduction of the iPhone is a good example of a project developed through induced strategic behavior.


Ben Arfi, W., & Hikkerova, L. (2021). Corporate entrepreneurship, product innovation, and knowledge conversion: the role of digital platforms. Small Business Economics, 56(3), 1191-1204. Web.

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