Cosmopolitan Magazine Promoting Feminine Items

Cosmopolitan is a New York-based American magazine that constitutes discussions and issues that create interspersion between fashion, lifestyle, culture and living, with several sub-thematic concerns such as beauty, culture, and stowaway-like stories forming a significant part (Uy, 2022). The first issue or volume of the magazine was in 1882 and currently has a monthly circulation pattern. The distribution of “42 Super Cool Gifts for Tween Girls If You Have No Idea What to Get Them ” has June 26, 2022, as its production date. The volume addresses issues that integrate with feminine items, which fall under fashion (Uy, 2022). It thus creates a suitable environment for enhancement of safe practices and behavior patterns for safe advocation of cultural aspects, behavior patterns, and regional disparities among the ladies. It ensures mitigations from the same on different fronts.

In the volume, several explicit depictions of heavy, catch advertisements promote the sale of feminine items and products.

Cosmopolitan Magazine

The first advert carries a round-shaped camera with toy-like structures of different colors. The second advert involves the heavy integration of pictures of the ornamental class of goods. In the volume, four thematic topics make up part of the analysis.

Cosmopolitan Magazine

The signifier in the issue is the space that allows for lady-products development, while the female population is significant.

Cosmopolitan Magazine

The pictures for advertisement in the volume enhance the progressive development of market penetration of specific market products. In the volume, the Feminist theory asserts the stressing of specific ideas that purport to bode well with the female cohort of the population is pushing the theoretical and philosophical needs for expression of lifestyles in fashions (Uy, 2022). In the volume, the well-articulated description of items of interest and the placement of catchy adverts support the Feminist theory. It can be argued that, from the magazine issue, experiences and interests help to articulate a more straightforward pathway in role taking, enhancement of female behavior patterns, and consequently the need for deep gender analysis given by the special attention given to female-only items all along.

To sum up, there is a deeply integrated application and relevance of the several theories towards lifestyles and themes portrayed in Cosmopolitan magazine, with Feminist theory explicitly expressed in the build-up and the excellent depiction of the several items for use by ladies.

Work Cited

Uy, M., 2022. 42 Trendy Gifts for Tweens That’ll for Sure Pass the Vibe Check. [online] Cosmopolitan.

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