Counsellor’s Professional Role and Ethics in Canadian Context

Counsellor’s Professional Role

As a medical professional, a counsellor has the ability to work with people to promote their mental wellbeing and prosperity. Many individuals face problems during the course of their life, establishing a need for strong emotional and psychological support. The existence of a counsellor helps those that require professional aid in terms of addressing their life crises. The use of psychological insight and current evidence helps professionals to effectively work with their patients (Berg, 2020). In particular, a counsellor can promote a positive relationship that facilitates growth, recovery, and healing.

Ethical Considerations in Canadian Context

A code of ethics presents an important consideration for a counselling professional, dictating their approach to interacting with clients and the types of behaviors they should abide by. As a person dealing with the intricacies of a person’s mind, counsellors have an obligation to follow various rules and guidelines outlining their ethical considerations. The specifics depend on the country of practice, but in the case of Canada, working within the virtue-based principles of decision making presents one of the core needs (Code of ethics). Research states that counsellors must use the most recent available evidence-based methods combined with a virtuous perspective in their practice (Berg, 2020). The approach presents itself as an inherent belief that counsellors are virtuous individuals that work within the interests of others and inform their practical decisions by what is best for their client.


Berg, H. (2020). Virtue ethics and integration in evidence-based practice in psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

Code of ethics. Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). (n.d.). Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Counsellor’s Professional Role and Ethics in Canadian Context." February 27, 2023.

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