Creating Classroom Community Networks: Korinek et al.’s Insights


The chosen article is aimed at showing why classroom communities are important for the wellbeing of the child. Moreover, the authors describe the strategies for creating them. Furthermore, the researchers identify the elements of the support network which is necessary for creating a more inclusive environment in modern schools.

The creation of classroom communities is important for strengthening students’ sense of belonging to the school and increasing his/her commitment to learning activities (Korinek, Walther-Thomas, McLaughlin, & Williams, 1999). This article is important because the authors identify a set of strategies that educators can use to create a more inclusive environment; so this source has practical implications. The topic is not entirely new because it has already been examined by various researchers. Nevertheless, the scholars synthesize various approaches and integrate them into a single framework that can be applied by teachers. This is one of the innovative elements that can be singled out. Overall, this article can be of great interest to students and educators.

Thoughts, reactions, and criticisms of the article

This source can enable me to get a better idea about different techniques that are important for the work of educators. In particular, this article can help me better cope with my professional duties. One of my major responsibilities will be to promote the academic, social, and moral development of a child. In turn, researchers identify different methods that can benefit students; for example, one can mention the formation of cooperative learning groups, the orientation of new students, the establishment of interest clubs, and so forth (Korinek et al., 1990, p. 5). The knowledge of these approaches can make me more prepared for various challenges. So, it can contribute to my professional development.

A teacher can apply the information from this article in his/her classroom activities, and I may rely on some of the methods depicted by researchers. For example, I would like to mention the use of cooperative learning groups because this approach is important for promoting learners’ teamwork (Korinek et al., 1990). Furthermore, this approach is useful because it enables students to learn more from one another. For example, in this way, they can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of different learning styles. Other valuable tools can be applied in the classroom; for instance, one can speak about positive discipline policies.

Overall, these ideas expressed by the authors are quite consistent with my views on this topic. The researchers regard school as the community in which a child can acquire various intellectual and social skills. Moreover, this education should help him/her understand the importance of ethical norms. In my view, these tasks are quite justified; furthermore, the method described by researchers can be used to achieve this goal. Much attention should be paid to the creation of classroom communities that promote the cooperation of learners inside and outside the classroom.

The discussion provided by the authors can be valuable for explaining some of the observations that I made during my experiences in school. For instance, in many cases, learners can lose interest in certain subjects such as mathematics or physics because there is no academic support system that helps a student overcome possible difficulties. Sometimes, this individual can lose motivation. So, such methods as after-school tutoring and homework clubs can be very useful because they ensure that a student can improve his/her academic performance. Additionally, the methods described by researchers are useful for minimizing deviant behaviors that often undermine the development of students. These are some of the benefits that should not be overlooked.

This article has prompted me to think about the responsibilities of teachers and school administrators. The researchers highlight the idea that they can create an inclusive environment that can effectively support the various needs of learners. More importantly, the strategies outlined in this article do not require considerable investments. However, in many cases, this goal is not achieved. So, more attention should be paid to the professional development of future educators since this policy can eventually improve the experiences of students. In particular, they should understand how his/her behavior is affected by different external factors. Moreover, they should understand how to minimize negative influences such as peer pressure. Additionally, they should know how to integrate educational approaches into a single framework. This is one of the points that can be made.

Several questions remain unanswered in this article. In particular, it is important to show how these strategies can be implemented in the neighborhoods which can be affected by poverty or crime. Under such circumstances, the task of educators can become more challenging. Additionally, one should focus more on the specific steps involved in the implementation of different methods outlined in this article. This information can be useful for the practical activities of teachers. These are some of the limitations that one should take into account.


Korinek, L., Walther-Thomas, C., McLaghlin V., & Williams, B. (1990). Creating classroom community network for student. Intervention in School and Clinic, 35(1), 3-8.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 21). Creating Classroom Community Networks: Korinek et al.’s Insights.

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StudyCorgi. "Creating Classroom Community Networks: Korinek et al.’s Insights." January 21, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Creating Classroom Community Networks: Korinek et al.’s Insights." January 21, 2021.

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