Creating Culturally Fair Tests and Learning From Finland


Developmentalists aim to ensure that assessments and tests used in educational settings are free from discrimination and impartial, regardless of students’ cultural backgrounds. This is because culture plays a significant role in shaping individuals’ experiences, beliefs, and knowledge and can influence their performance on standardized tests. The developmental approach considers factors such as language, values, and experiences that could impact students’ performance to create culturally equitable tests and minimize any potential cultural biases.

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However, many current standardized tests are often viewed as culturally unjust. These tests may contain biases toward specific cultural norms, values, language, or race, as shown in the episode of Different Strokes (Classic TV Rewind). It can disadvantage students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Students who are unfamiliar with the cultural references or with different linguistic abilities may perform poorly, leading to inaccurate assessments of their true abilities. This can perpetuate educational disparities and contribute to the achievement gap among cultural groups.

To effectively address this issue in the testing domain, it is crucial to develop assessments that acknowledge and embrace the cultural diversity of students. This can be achieved by incorporating diverse cultural perspectives, utilizing culturally relevant materials, and ensuring test language is accessible to all students.


Additionally, accommodations such as bilingual tests or alternative assessment formats can help level the playing field for students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Finland’s education system is a compelling example of how an equitable and inclusive approach to education can lead to success. Finland prioritizes equality over competition, invests in well-trained teachers, and ensures equal access to resources and support for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status (EduSkills OECD). As a result, Finland has achieved high-quality education outcomes for all students, fostering cooperation, lifelong learning, and top-performing students without relying on excessive testing or private schools.

Work Cited

Diff’rent Strokes | Willis And Arnold Get Ready For Prep School | Classic TV RewindYouTube, uploaded by Classic TV Rewind, 2020. Web.

Finland – Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education.” YouTube, uploaded by EduSkills OECD. 2012. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Creating Culturally Fair Tests and Learning From Finland." May 27, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Creating Culturally Fair Tests and Learning From Finland." May 27, 2024.

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