Restructuring North Korea: Democracy, Capitalism, and Reform


North Korea has been in the hands of a family of dictators for the past several decades. However, patriots have sacrificed their lives to eliminate dictatorship and bring sanity to the country’s leadership. As the newly elected president of this country, I have the daunting task of restructuring the economic, political, and socio systems in the country. The majority of people live below the poverty line, divisions are common and economic, military, and political structures are almost non-existence. It has been noticed that a group of armed militia, loyal to the previous dictator, is terrorizing innocent citizens to reinstate their leader. In this paper, the researcher intends to discuss how to create an ideal state after overthrowing the dictator. Parts of this paper include discussing domestic concerns, foreign concerns, and providing a conclusion based on the findings made.

Domestic Concerns

The primary domestic concern is to create a functional government that can meet the economic, political, and social needs of its citizens. The governing style and principles that correlate to the desires of citizens is democratic leadership. In this style, citizens will have the opportunity to choose their desired leaders in various elective positions after every four years. Borrowing from the American system, the president, legislators, governors, and local council officials will be elected after every four years. The goal is to create a system where leaders are responsible for their electorates (Stahn & Melber, 2014). There will be three branches of government, the executive led by the president, the legislator led by the national assembly speaker, and the judiciary headed by the chief justice. The legislature will be responsible for making laws, the executive will be expected to enforce them, while the judiciary will be required to apply them in cases where there is a breach.

The new president intends to introduce two public domestic programs. The first program is youth empowerment, which is meant to equip youths with relevant skills needed in the job market. This program is meant to fight the problem of massive unemployment in the country. The second program is to improve the condition of all public hospitals in the country. The majority of hospitals in the country cannot address major health problems such as cancer and heart diseases (French, 2014). The appropriate economic structure that will be embraced in this country is capitalism. As Stahn and Melber (2014) observe, it has worked in developed economies around the world, and even some of the communist countries have been forced to adopt it. The new president will promote the socialization of citizens irrespective of their ethnic background to help improve cohesion in the country.

Foreign Concerns

The success of this nation will depend on its foreign relations policies as it seeks the support of various countries around the world. The country will join the United Nations to get the security that it offers. The UN is an international organization of countries around the world that seeks to maintain international peace and security and promote economic corporation (Weber, 2019). This international organization will offer the country a platform to address the constant threat posed by the rebels who get the military and financial support from the hostile neighbor. To join this organization, the head of the state, with the approval of the parliament, will make a formal request to the UN General Assembly through the Secretariat. The country will also join Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation to boost its economic cooperation with various developed economies in the region and at the global level. ASEAN is an intergovernmental organization meant to promote free trade among member states in Asia-Pacific (Weber, 2019). To join this economic block, the government of this country will make a formal request to the current member states of ASEAN. If approved, the government will receive an invitation letter.

The country will combat the neighboring country’s terrorist threat and the domestic threat in various ways. The first approach will be to have well-trained military officers to the border with the hostile country to ensure that foreign militia does not cross into our country. The President intends to seek the support of the United Nations Security Council in protecting the integrity of its borders. Having military officers at the border is effective in physically limiting the movement of militia into and out of the country. The other strategy is to have a strong intelligence and counterintelligence system that can enable the government to understand the activities of local terrorists and hostile foreign forces (Stahn & Melber, 2014). Having an intelligence system is effective because it makes the government know the plans of the enemy and thwart them before it threatens national peace.


North Korea has been under dictatorial leadership for a long time and the recent events, which led to the elimination of its last dictator are of great benefit for its prosperity. As the newly elected president of this country, the researcher understands that the task ahead is complex. It is important to restructure the socio-economic and political landscape of this country. As a democratic government, it is also important to embrace capitalism to ensure that people can define their economic future without excessive interference from the government.


French, P. (2014). North Korea: State of paranoia. London, United Kingdom: Zed Books.

Stahn, C., & Melber, H. (Eds.). (2014). Peace diplomacy, global justice, and international agency: Rethinking human security and ethics in the spirit of Dag Hammarskjold. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Weber, S. (2019). Bloc by bloc: How to build a global enterprise for the new regional order. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

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