Crisis Response in Rural Areas: Fund Distribution & Strategies

While developing a crisis response program for rural areas, it is essential to pay attention to the specific needs of those people who live there because of their limited access to care services and support in case of emergency. Therefore, the equitable distribution of resources and funds in these territories is a goal for those persons who are responsible for planning crisis response programs (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2014). The problem is in the fact that small- and medium-sized rural communities are often isolated from urban areas; therefore, they suffer from consequences of disasters and other emergent issues more often than citizens of towns and cities.

Rural areas usually lack the necessary crisis infrastructure, and the distribution of funds at the community, county, state, and national levels should be organized according to the following plan: 40% for community and counties, 30% for conditions, and 30% for the federal level. Most resources and funds are needed at the community levels to build shelters, provide financial support to disadvantaged populations, organize mobile crisis teams and transportation, and provide mental health support. Furthermore, 30% of resources are required for states to manage the distribution of resources, as well as the control and coordination of programs. The rest portion of the funds is necessary to organize federal control over the distributed resources and the programs’ realization.

In order to guarantee that policymakers are focused on ensuring the equitable distribution of funds in the situation of crisis, it is necessary to concentrate on the following strategies: to conduct the needs assessment in rural territories to assess the situation and develop preparedness plans; to accentuate the needs of isolated and impoverished communities; to assess individuals’ abilities to cover their financial needs in case of emergency or disasters. The main focus is on the necessity to conduct regular assessments of communities’ needs in order to prepare and adapt crisis plans and distribute funds accordingly (James & Gilliland, 2017). Reports and evaluations should be discussed with state policymakers on a regular basis to adjust crisis programs and address the set goals. Moreover, it is essential to pay attention to the fact that funds for the crisis programs’ realization should be generated at federal levels, and the purpose of state authorities in this situation is to prepare reasonable plans to cover all communities’ needs. The actual distribution of funds should be realized at the county and community levels to cover costs associated with organizing crisis teams, centers, shelters, and support services.

Currently, a similar approach is followed by the Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board, which has prepared the disaster program after the assessment of communities’ needs. Today, this organization regularly reviews the proposed plan and changes it according to the current needs of the region, depending on forecasts regarding possible natural disasters (Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board, 2016). This approach allows for coordinating the activities of authorities at state and local levels in order to prepare communities for emergent situations in the most efficient manner.

It is important to note that crisis management requires many efforts and resources to be realized effectively. Much attention should be paid to the role of states and communities in developing appropriate crisis response programs. Furthermore, the critical issue is the distribution of financial resources. It is possible to state that the focus on the needs of communities is essential to guarantee the fair distribution of funds in rural and isolated areas.


Crandall, W. R., Parnell, J. A., & Spillan, J. E. (2014). Crisis management: Leading in the new strategy landscape (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

James, R., & Gilliland, B. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies (8th ed.). Scarborough, ON Nelson Education.

Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board. (, 2016). Crisis response. Web.

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