Cultural Diversity at Rockland Psychiatric Center


Cultural competency is crucial for healthcare organizations since it promotes diversity and a cordial working environment. The student’s proposal concisely provides background information on the Rockland Psychiatric Center’s (RPC) cultural diversity. The use of percentage representation of the different ethnic groups in the organization allows one to understand the corporation’s situation. Additionally, the student used socio-economic factors to describe Rockland County. Although the student makes viable proposals, technology integration and the creation of social communities will make RPC more culturally competent.


Technology is significant in improving healthcare services in a community. As the student noted, RPC has a limited number of mental health facilities. Additionally, the organization’s employees face a language barrier when communicating with patients. Information communication technology can help solve the insufficient services and language barrier (Chang et al., 2021). The organization can develop a technical platform that allows doctors to offer advisory medical services to unreachable patients. Mental health services such as therapies and recommended approaches can be virtually conducted (Chang et al., 2021). Meanwhile, language translation systems at the help and doctors’ desks can encumber miscommunication. Technology will help reach out to more patients and reduce miscommunication among RPC’s stakeholders.

A collaborative community involves all the stakeholders in an organization who come together for a common purpose. RPC faces the problem of language barriers and cultural insensitivity across its various departments. Establishing a collaborative community will involve forming social media groups on platforms such as Facebook and Whatsapp (Tajpour et al., 2022). The social media groups will allow all the organization’s stakeholders to actively express themselves and learn from each other (Tajpour et al., 2022). The social media activities will improve the stakeholders’ cultural awareness while enhancing unity among them.


Cultural diversity promotes organizational growth since the employees and other stakeholders have a unity of purpose. RPC faces problems with the delivery of health services to its clients in Rockland County. Technology interaction can improve service delivery and reduce miscommunication due to language barriers. Meanwhile, collaborative communities over social media platforms can promote the embracing of cultural diversity. RPC should adopt technology and promote organizational social media groups to become culturally competent.


Chang, J. E., Lai, A. Y., Gupta, A., Nguyen, A. M., Berry, C. A., & Shelley, D. R. (2021). Rapid transition to telehealth and the digital divide: Implications for primary care access and equity in a post‐COVID era. The Milbank Quarterly, 99(2), 340–368. Web.

Tajpour, M., Hosseini, E., Mohammadi, M., & Bahman-Zangi, B. (2022). The effect of knowledge management on the sustainability of technology-driven businesses in emerging markets: The mediating role of social media. Sustainability, 14(14), 8602. Web.

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